India Employer Forum

Human Capital

Women In Leadership - India Employer Forum

Women In Leadership

The conversation on the myriad benefits of women in leadership should not have to be brought up in an ideal world. But there are so few women in leadership holding on to their stature. In stark contrast, the drop-out rate is so much greater than the numbers of women making it to concrete gender equality […]
Working From Home Ergonomics - India Employer Forum

Importance Of Working From Home Ergonomics

Since the pandemic began, companies had no choice but to transition and make telecommuting options available to every employee. Telecommuting has even reduced the number of jobs lost due to the pandemic. Pew Research Center reports that 90% of the jobs lost between February and April 2020 occurred in duties that couldn’t be carried out […]

Critical Thinking Skills In Today’s Business World

Making decisions without analyzing the information will seldom lead to fruitful outcomes. The reason why critical thinking is an important skill in the business world today. Managers are demanding their teams to spend more time in brainstorming sessions and to evaluate information thoroughly before coming to conclusions. Given that no education center trains you to […]

5 Rewarding Employee Wellness Programs For Remote Workers

Unlock 2.0 is underway in India and businesses are starting to come to normal. However, the process is expected to be a long one and will likely take place in phases. So remote working will remain valuable for some time to come. Some businesses may continue with it even after complete normalcy; however, it remains […]
Gig economy - India Employer Forum

Gig Economy – A Vital Aspect Of The Indian Economy

The COVID-19 is infecting thousands of people daily amid a surge in cases in many areas. While the lockdown measures implemented by the government might have reduced the number of casualties, it is causing strain on the economy. One such category is the gig workers where digital companies face challenges of massive repercussions to the […]
HR Challenges - India Employer Forum

Biggest HR Challenges During This Pandemic

After approximately six months of dealing with COVID-19, experts are still unable to come up with reliable estimates as to the level of impact on the global economy. For businesses, however, the goal is clear: survival. This survival, nonetheless, hinges on the effectiveness and innovation of HR managers.  As expected, this has put HR in […]
Leadership Traits - India Employer Forum

Leadership Traits – The 5 C’s A Good Leader Possess

A leader is a person who motivates a group of people to perform so as to achieve a common goal. Thus the definition of leadership captures the essence of being able to inspire others. The strategies applied by leaders help by inspiring staff to perform and directing the employees to the common goal in a […]

In-Demand Skills 2025: What Employers Are Looking For

Keeping up with a dynamic workplace is not an easy task. We are at the fourth industrial revolution as the current technological developments are changing the way we work in dramatic ways. These developments require workers to keep abreast with the latest trends in the industry, forcing us to think innovatively and bringing more creativity […]

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on India’s Unemployment

Over two months of nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus, businesses are beginning to open up in a staggered manner yet India’s unemployment rate at 19.7 percent as of 11 June 2020 looks intimidating. Urban India unemployment rate is at 20.4 percent while rural India stands at 19.4 percent (CMIE data). A […]

Learning And Development Strategy – Bigger Returns When Done Well

The Importance of Learning and Development in a Rapidly Evolving World Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and so is the need for employees to remain updated with the latest skills at their workplaces. It directly points to the importance of learning and development while at the job. While technology has helped the world […]

Corporate Learning During COVID-19

Introduction: The Importance of Corporate Learning in Challenging Times Providing corporate learning opportunities is never far from the minds of inspired HR and other executive chiefs of the business world. They know for a fact, backed by reportage from around the world, that this is the one tool that provides employees single-minded confidence in their […]

Impact of COVID-19 On the Mental Health Of Employees

We are over two months in the nationwide lockdown with partial reopening of businesses and activities allowed in non-containment areas. The impact of this lockdown on businesses and the economy, as expected, has been enormous. But those are not the only aspect of life that is suffering or has suffered from the pandemic. One aspect […]
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