India Employer Forum

Human Capital

A Fad for Unconventional Job Titles

A Fad for Unconventional Job Titles

A designation has always been important in a business scenario. It not only gives a description of what the individual does in the company but also is an indicator of his/her seniority. Someone who has grown through the ranks would place some value on their experience and growth reflecting in the title they bear. The […]
Soft Skills - An Imperative Skill in a Marketing Pro

Soft Skills – An Imperative Skill in a Marketing Pro

Soft skills are strong predictors of performance in the field of marketing. Apart from hard skills to sell, a successful marketer must possess soft skills which are core to his job. Although there are multiple soft skills, a marketing professional must acquire the following trademarks to be a marketing pro 1)    Emotional Intelligence Number one on […]

Employee Retention – A Major Cause of Worry

Employee retention is a major cause of worry for organizations the world over. The cost of recruitment, induction and training is high, and the process is time-consuming. It takes months for new hires to be productive and almost a year for companies to recover their hiring and training cost. Research indicates that one-sixth of employees leave […]
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