India Employer Forum

Human Capital

Role of the CHRO - India Employer Forum

Role of the CHRO: How They Have Met The Crisis

The role of the CHRO seems to be one of merely formalizing policies and making decisions at the bird’s-eye level. This is an overly simplistic view of the role. The chief of HR, in truth, pores over an abundance of data and deliberates over executive decisions on a daily basis. An elaborate organization resilience framework […]

Why Destructive Leadership Never Works In The Long Term

Intimidating Bosses: Are They the Solution? Intimidating bosses aren’t always the solution. Organizations looking to make their employees more productive and establish workplace discipline often turn to leaders who follow a strong and intimidating approach to managing people. But does destructive leadership always work? It does to an extent. But not with everyone and not […]

Following Human Resource Best Practices Brings Organizational Success

Every year, there is evolution in the way companies hire, train, develop, and terminate their employees. This year is no different. However, the evolution in these areas has happened quite rapidly this year owing to the dire scenario created by the pandemic. There won’t be a better time for companies to see whether their human […]

Why A Subjective Performance Evaluation System Is Important

Understanding Employee Performance Evaluation Employee performance evaluation is one of the important ways of finding out the value that different employees deliver to their employers. Performance evaluation and its findings can have a big impact on lots of other related aspects, such as allocation of work, bonuses, and promotions, amongst others. There are two different […]
Wellness Day-offs - India Employer Forum

Wellness Day-offs To Prevent COVID-induced Burnout

Employee burnout is a problem every organization has to deal with. The constant pressure in the workplace due to the pandemic is leading to stress, anxiety, and depression in many employees. To offset these undesirable consequences and maintain high-level productivity, organizations are providing wellness day-offs for their employees. What are employee wellbeing days? Employee wellbeing […]
Employee Voluntary Turnover - India Employer Forum

Voluntary Turnover; Causes And How To Prevent Them

Employees are the life-blood of every organization, as an organization’s level of success is tied directly to its staff. That is the reason why companies do all they can to attract the best talents in the industry. After going through so much trouble to hire them, it’d be unfortunate to see them leave. Employee voluntary […]
Employee Productivity - India Employer Forum

Is Remote Working Buoying Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity is the one metric from which the manager’s eye never turns away. Higher-ups and line managers alike keep an eye out for new tactics that drive these numbers up. The onus is on the top-layer management to come up with bold schemes that hold workforce productivity aloft through tough times for the economy […]
Employee-Engagement -during-covid-19

Employee Engagement during Covid-19

Every organization has goals and objectives which it aims to achieve within a defined period. In line with this, they pour vast amounts of resources towards ensuring these targets are met. To achieve these goals, a lot has to do with the quality of work put in by employees. As such, maintaining a high level […]
Job Security - India Employer Forum

Job Security Over Job Satisfaction

The current COVID-19 crisis has led to large scale layoffs in the past six months with almost all organizations having been forced to either lay off their employees, go for a pay cut or follow the work-from-home regime. Employees, be it a daily wage laborer or a top official, all of them are facing immense […]
Career Choices - India Employer Forum

COVID-19 Making Professionals Rethink Career Choices

Economic activities are picking gradually after the harsh lockdowns, but the damage has already been done. The economic shutdown that went on for months caused industries and businesses to lay off many workers and put job hiring on hold. Faced with a gloomy future, many professionals are coming out of their comfort zones to re-evaluate […]

Employee Management: Are You Being In Charge Or Leading The Way?

The Connection Between Under-Performing Employees and Complicated People Management Under-performing employees have a direct relation with complicated people management. Why always attaching the blame for below-par performances on employees is not the right thing to do? Well, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye. In most cases, it is the people […]

People Risk Management : By Re-imagining The Value They Bring

In the current world of work, people risk is always prevalent for every size of organization. It could take the form of surging or plunging team morale. A set of practices and convictions that translate into a workplace culture over time are components of the “things people feel”. Or, it could be seen in the […]
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