India Employer Forum

Human Capital

Employee Voluntary Turnover - India Employer Forum

Voluntary Turnover; Causes And How To Prevent Them

Employees are the life-blood of every organization, as an organization’s level of success is tied directly to its staff. That is the reason why companies do all they can to attract the best talents in the industry. After going through so much trouble to hire them, it’d be unfortunate to see them leave. Employee voluntary […]
Employee Productivity - India Employer Forum

Is Remote Working Buoying Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity is the one metric from which the manager’s eye never turns away. Higher-ups and line managers alike keep an eye out for new tactics that drive these numbers up. The onus is on the top-layer management to come up with bold schemes that hold workforce productivity aloft through tough times for the economy […]
Employee-Engagement -during-covid-19

Employee Engagement during Covid-19

Every organization has goals and objectives which it aims to achieve within a defined period. In line with this, they pour vast amounts of resources towards ensuring these targets are met. To achieve these goals, a lot has to do with the quality of work put in by employees. As such, maintaining a high level […]
Job Security - India Employer Forum

Job Security Over Job Satisfaction

The current COVID-19 crisis has led to large scale layoffs in the past six months with almost all organizations having been forced to either lay off their employees, go for a pay cut or follow the work-from-home regime. Employees, be it a daily wage laborer or a top official, all of them are facing immense […]
Career Choices - India Employer Forum

COVID-19 Making Professionals Rethink Career Choices

Economic activities are picking gradually after the harsh lockdowns, but the damage has already been done. The economic shutdown that went on for months caused industries and businesses to lay off many workers and put job hiring on hold. Faced with a gloomy future, many professionals are coming out of their comfort zones to re-evaluate […]
People Management - India Employer Forum

People Management: Are You Being In Charge Or Leading The Way?

Under-performing employees have a direct relation with complicated people management. Why always attaching the blame for below par performances on employees is not the right to do? Well, there is a lot more to it than meets the eye.  In most cases, it is the people management skills that are at fault for a decline […]
Reducing People Risk - India Employer Forum

Reducing People Risk By Re-imagining The Value They Bring

In the current world of work, people risk is always prevalent for every size of organization. It could take the form of surging or plunging team morale. A set of practices and convictions that translate into a workplace culture over time are components of the “things people feel”. Or, it could be seen in the […]

Managing Employee Attendance During Covid-19

COVID-19, the alien virus has brought along with it untold miseries and upheavals in everyone’s life. Managing the workforce and employee attendance during the pandemic has the HR and the top leaders come up with new ways to keep the employees on their toes and track their activities related to work. COVID-19 management seems to […]
Alternative-Dispute Resolution-in-the-workplace

Alternative Dispute Resolution: How It Can Be Used To Ease Workplace Conflicts

Introduction: The Rise of Workplace Conflicts in Challenging Times The cases of conflict arising in the workplace have been commonplace for decades, and with the COVID situation, it gets no better. The fight isn’t over yet, and there could be even tougher times ahead. The economy is already in shambles, and unemployment rates are at […]

Employee Performance Evaluation System Takes A Time Out

Introduction: The Impact of Empathy and the Pandemic on Employee Evaluations The atmosphere in the past few months has made individuals genuinely sympathetic and concerned. A lot of empathy is going around now due to the effects of the pandemic. Now, people genuinely pick an interest in the well-being of others, due partly to a […]
Workforce Planning - India Employer Forum

Workforce Planning – Post-COVID Recovery Depends On Normalizing The Agile Work Environment

Workforce planning is a clear metric that adds directly to operational ease. In the long-term goal of strategizing too, workforce planning assumes great importance. Strategic workforce planning is a function of the set of complex decisions that businesses arrive at. They do this after considering the polarizing markers indicated by numerical pointers, critical thinking, and […]
Persons With Disabilities - India Employer Forum

Why Persons With Disabilities Inclusion In The Workplace Matters?

For months now, nations have been battling the impact of the virus and trying to reduce their negative effect on socio-economic institutions. While the pandemic has brought a gloomy atmosphere on the Indian economy, this period presents an opportunity for organizations to reflect on the role of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in corporate India. An […]
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