India Employer Forum

Tag: future of work

Workplace Transformation - India Employer Forum

Workplace Transformation With Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a topic that divides everyone. Some are all for the automatic smart lifestyle. A lot of others are sceptical about its intrusiveness and invasions of our privacy. And then there’s a small bunch that thinks that Skynet can drive the world into a machine-ruled dystopia. There is a lot of resistance especially […]
Four-day Working Week - India Employer Forum

Four-day Working Week Promises Improved Productivity And Employee Engagement

The four-day working week is one of several options that Indian corporate bodies are in the process of giving serious thought. As HR teams urge line managers to move away from timesheet-bound perceptions of performance to outcome-focused ones, workplace flexibility is the name of the game. In that sense, the four-day working week is more […]
Robotic Co-workers - India Employer Forum

Next Thing You Know, You Could Be Sharing Cubicles With Robotic Co-workers

Automating repeatable tasks via robotic co-workers can offer big savings in a variety of resources spent at a job. For nearly a decade, the tech and functionality of robotic co-workers were challenging in terms of implementation. But in this latest age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the big picture is clearer. In terms of savings in […]
Flexible Workforce - India Employer Forum

Flexible Workforce Is The New Corporate Face In 2021

Work from home – if anyone wasn’t familiar with the term before 2020, they likely are now. Today, a flexible workforce model is at the forefront of business transformation and is vital to riding out the global economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies like Microsoft, Twitter and Facebook have come to realize the […]
Hybrid Workforce Model - India Employer Forum

Hybrid Workforce Model: The New Future

The global lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has given companies something to think about. Do they really need to have employees present in a physical office space when working virtually seems to be producing the same, if not, better results? The simple answer is no. Working from home, like many of us last year, […]

Benefits of Remote Work: For Both Employer and Employees

The Rise of Remote Working A shot in the arm has catapulted remote working even before it was set to become the norm anyway. It can be said that the speed with which remote working became the norm was accelerated ahead by the force of mandatory social distancing and shelter-in-place guidelines. The greater fact that […]
Events Of 2020 - India Employer Forum

Events Of 2020 Will Shape The World Of Work in 2021

Within corporate and business cycles, the events of 2020 would go down on record as the toughest challenge they’ve had to contend with. Many looked forward to 2021 as a year that would bring some reprieve, but so far, nothing seems to have changed. Even with the availability of vaccines, the logistical challenges surrounding distribution […]
HR Technology Trends 2021 - India Employer Forum

Key HR Technology Trends 2021 To Shape The World Of Work

2020 has ended, but the experiences will be forever etched on the minds of business leaders. Although organizations always used and applied many forms of HR technologies, no time did their survival entirely depend on how much HR technology they used to like it did in 2020. HR technology is a concept encompassing a range […]
6 Key Startup Lessons - India Employer Forum

6 Key Startup Lessons Learned In 2020

The coronavirus is still raging in many countries as many nations battle with multiple waves of infection, causing them to reinstitute lockdown measures. However, the certification of a handful of vaccines, and the adaption of people and businesses to the situation, have caused these waves to have a less severe impact than before. As it’s […]
Future Of Work - India Employer Forum

Future Of Work – The Changing Trends

Out of everything in existence, the only phenomenon considered as constant is change. Before change happens, sometimes, it takes time. At other times, change happens unexpectedly, just as it has across many firms and workplaces in 2020. As the world experienced multiple advancements in technology, many knew it was only a matter of time before […]
Digital Future - India Employer Forum

HR’s Role In Building A Workforce For Digital Future

The coronavirus pandemic threw countries and businesses – small and large scale – into turmoil as it brought about many new problems. Even the risk assessment and preparedness of many firms couldn’t capture the magnitude of upheaval caused by the pandemic. Survival during this period depended on the willingness to embrace a digital future and […]
Hiring Gig Workers - India Employer Forum

Perks Of Hiring Gig Workers

By now, every business has heard that hiring gig workers can be lucrative and also cost-saving. Project-based hiring can be worked out on the basis of short-term contracts and slices the overhead costs of maintaining a ready workforce. This is profitable when demand generation is unpredictable or low. It can also be scaled up quickly. […]
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