India Employer Forum

Human Capital

Quiet Quitting - India Employer Forum

Quiet Quitting: How to Tackle

Lying flat, anti-ambition, doing the bare minimum, just showing up, burning out, deprioritising work, disengaged–we can give it any other name but “Quiet Quitting” is posing a colossal threat to organisations and employers all over the world.  Causes of quiet quitting Many believe that the devastating and earth-modifying pandemic heralded the quiet quitting phenomenon. Yet, […]
Management Skills - India Employer Forum

Management Skills: Why it’s not Easy Being Managers

Let’s face it. Being a manager is a tough job. If you’ve watched (or re-watched) the American sitcom, “The Office”, you would have been severely agitated by Steve Carrell’s portrayal of Michael Scott, the Regional Manager for Dunder Mifflin Inc. As Scott navigates workplace dynamics with a skewed view of humour and desperately tries to […]
Talent Mobility - India Employer Forum

Talent Mobility Policy in Your Organisation

Talent mobility refers to the movement of employees from one position to another within an organisation. The uncertainties thrown up by the Covid-19 pandemic led organisations to take internal talent movement policies seriously. It not only improves retention, diversity and inclusion but also develops a learning culture in the organisation. The chief goal of talent […]

Designing Employee Experience: Why Organisations Should Pay Heed

While mindlessly scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, you might have seen content highlighting toxic work culture’s lasting and adverse effects. Another trending topic is “employee experience design” and why it’s the need of the hour for all organisations. It’s no secret that team leaders often have the highest impact on company culture. According to a […]
Mental Health - India Employer Forum

Fighting Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

According to an article published on, India’s economy has recovered to the pre-pandemic GDP level of 2019-20. GDP growth in FY 2021-22 now stands at 8.7%, a 1.5% bump from 2019-20. As encouraging as those numbers are, there’s a harsh reality on the other side of the coin. What goes unnoticed is how employees […]
Hybrid Model - India Employer Forum

Hybrid Model and its Impact on Employee Engagement

The world of work underwent a metamorphosis during the pandemic. Some semblance of normalcy is now returning, and organisations are evaluating the best return-to-work strategy, with most of them opting for a hybrid work model. A hybrid model is a flexible workplace that combines remote working and on-site working. It consists of a dynamic workplace […]
Span of Control - India Employer Forum

HR’s Span of Control and Its Different Types

We’re often advised to practice the golden ratio in everything we do. Too much of something can prove detrimental in life, work, or other aspects. Likewise, a severe lack of a particular thing can also halt many achievements, especially in the workplace. And that is why it’s always best to follow the golden ratio. Research […]
Equity and Equality - India Employer Forum

HR’s Guide to Equity and Equality

Equity and equality are terms often used interchangeably; however, they are two different concepts. Simply put, equality is treating everyone the same under the organisation’s existing work culture irrespective of age, gender, race, etc. Equity is  knowing that workforce members come to work each day with specific support or resource requirements that need accommodating before […]

10 Ways to Boost Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is a significant buzzword since overall employee unhappiness has increased in the past decade. Even if you are an organisation that prides itself on being a good employer, your company may be hurting employee wellbeing and health because of how the work is organised. Ask yourself, ‘Do my employees exist in a constant […]

Employee Retention: 6 Ways to Curb Resignation

The smooth running of a business involves a critical factor: finding good employees and retaining them. Yet, there has been an increase in employees leaving a job because of low engagement and connection with the organisation. A report by the U.S Bureau of Labour Statistics stated that in March 2022, as many as 4.5 million […]

Optimise Your Retention Strategy by Including These Employee Benefits

The Great Reshuffle has made retaining employees more challenging than ever. For organisations still providing basic pay and run-of-the-mill benefits to their employees, it’s about time to overhaul their retention strategy and pay attention to their benefits package. Why? Because benefits are one of the key aspects of good employee retention. Even stats point towards […]

5 Key Talent Management Strategies

What comprises talent in an organisation? It is the people that work in the organisation and it is necessary for it to function. When the employees of an organisation perform at an optimum level, so does the organisation. The blueprint that is needed to broaden and optimise the performance of employees in the company is […]
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