India Employer Forum

Human Capital

In-demand skills - India Employer Forum

The Most In-demand Skills to Look Out For in 2021

Skills can be broadly categorized into two categories namely hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are those talents and abilities that can be measured. They are usually specific to a particular job and can be learned through schooling, professional or on-the-job training. These are things that a person is specifically trained for, like a […]
Future Of Work-India Employer Forum

Future Of Work And The Post-pandemic Workplace

The future of work seems to be a fantastic claim just out of the reach of the average office worker. But that has changed now. In the last year, the world of work has navigated not only one of the worst medical emergencies and humanitarian crises in modern history but also turned a decade of […]
Prevent Employee Burnout - India Employer Forum

Prevent Employee Burnout By Creating A Bridge Between Isolation And Partnership

It is hard to prevent employee burnout if managers are not sure where it originates. In the previous century, the idea of burnout itself was unfamiliar to supervisors as they led hordes of workers through their motions day after day. Since, however, organizational behavior has been studied and deliberated enough. When the first mention of […]

Coordinated Conflict Resolution Paves The Way For A Stronger Team at Workplace

There is no use hoping for conflict resolution to not be required in a workplace. In every place, including places of work, where strong, assertive minds and opinionated voices come together, there’s bound to be conflict. Disagreement between collaborating parties can be a good thing, as it vets the soundness of ideas and creates a […]
Retaining Top Employees - India Employer Forum

6 Ways Of Identifying And Retaining Top Employees

As companies compete for top talent, employee retention has become a critical issue. The competition to find and retaining top employees has been even more aggravated as workplaces have become hybrid and work together remotely. This expansion into a virtual work configuration has made obsolete many of the former practices of identifying and nurturing talent. […]
Personality Diversity - India Employer Forum

Personality Diversity In The Workplace

Diversity has become synonymous with balance at the workplace – but personality diversity is not heard from as often. This might be specifically true of Indian workplaces where “agreeing with the boss/being complicit with authority” is seen as an ideal characteristic; even an essential one to holding on to a job. However, personality diversity is […]
Employee Strategies - India Employer Forum

Winning Employee Strategies – What Do They Take?

It is easy to get caught up in the work and ignore employee strategies that watch out for long-term viability, development, and returns. Employee strategies are not as straight-forward as the investment in technology, infrastructure or other resources or operational factors such as giving approvals for each emerging requirement.  This is where human resources differ […]
Employee Engagement - India Employer Forum

Employee Engagement Continues To Be Center-stage

Never was the stark difference between successful employee engagement and the lack thereof among quarters of workers going through the upheaval of workplaces in disruptive situations felt more keenly by corporate leaders. On the one hand were the highly engaged workforce who felt cared for and cherished even in the middle of a pandemic. On […]
Lifelong Learners - India Employer Forum

Lifelong Learners: An Asset For Companies

Lifelong learning is a form of self initiated education that is focused on personal or professional development. Knowledge can be acquired and skills developed anywhere, however lifelong learning is about creating and maintaining a positive attitude to learning. Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to; it is a deliberate and […]
Inclusive Leadership - India Employer Forum

How Inclusive Leadership Can Make Great Leaders

Diversity and inclusive leadership have been a long-standing topic in the Indian corporate world. With several countries successfully bridging the gap consciously and unconsciously, Indian corporates are getting there- almost. An emerging market in the global business industries, India welcomed gender inclusion quotes after the 2013 Companies Act made it mandatory for public firms to hire at […]
Skills In Demand - India Employer Forum

Skills In Demand: Employers Are On the Lookout For These Skills

Companies are always in a never-ending search for employees who have the most sought-after skills. By far, soft skills are the top skills in demand as far as employers are concerned. Soft skills are a combination of personality traits, behaviors and social attitudes that allow people to communicate effectively, collaborate and successfully manage conflict. These […]

How Organizations Can Benefit From Employee Financial Wellbeing

Introduction: The Shift in Employer-Employee Dynamics In the last decade, the business world has witnessed a radical change in how an employer values its employees. With organizations charting substantial budgets to augment an employee’s experience at work, employee financial wellbeing continues to lurk in the shadows behind all the training programs and workshops. According to […]
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