India Employer Forum

Tag: Remote Working

Employee Productivity - India Employer Forum

Is Remote Working Buoying Employee Productivity?

Employee productivity is the one metric from which the manager’s eye never turns away. Higher-ups and line managers alike keep an eye out for new tactics that drive these numbers up. The onus is on the top-layer management to come up with bold schemes that hold workforce productivity aloft through tough times for the economy […]
Work From Home Tips - India Employer Forum

Tips On How To Work From Home Effectively For Parents

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of shake-ups globally. Although the number of cases recorded by some countries has started to reduce, over 20 million cases have been recorded. At this juncture, countries have started to gradually relax lockdown and social distancing measures. This is to allow for the economic activity to restart that […]
Reimagining Workplace - India Employer Forum

Reimagining Workplace Post COVID-19

It’s been over four months since the World Health Organization characterized the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. Since that time, a lot has changed. Nations have put lockdown measures in place, forcing people to stay indoors and every other thing to shut down. The situation has created a challenging landscape for businesses globally. Despite this […]
Work From Anywhere_India Employer Forum

Work From Anywhere – Is This The Future Of Work?

Work from anywhere could be the newest trend on the block considering how businesses worldwide are moving towards providing employees the freedom to work from any location of their choice. Work from home has already become commonplace worldwide as more and more businesses are learning the realities of this pandemic the harsh way and are […]
FAQs About Work From Home - India Employer Forum

5 FAQs About Work From Home

Social distancing has become the reality in the current coronavirus pandemic. With many businesses, both small and large, taking a hit in the nationwide lockdown, the era of work from home has dawned on us sooner than expected. During these extraordinary times, while practicing social distancing, many employers as well as employees are bound to […]
Working From Home - India Employer Forum

Working From Home During Coronavirus Crisis – Measures To Ensure Productivity

The onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic has forced everyone, including small businesses to global companies, to roll out work-from-home policies in the last couple of weeks. This doesn’t come as a surprise since the World Health Organization’s announcement that coronavirus has officially reached pandemic status. While it may be a norm for a few, working […]
Work From Home - India Employer Forum

COVID-19: India Inc Embraces Work From Home

The coronavirus pandemic is creating widespread panic and fear globally. The new virus, which is spreading uncontrollably, has devastated world people and economies so much that even the developed countries are scrambling for help. Business activities have taken a nosedive and to survive the pandemic, organizations are leaning heavily towards work from home culture. The […]

Remote Work Models at the Top During Covid-19 Pandemic

The Advent of Remote Work Remote working for employees simply means working from anywhere. Remote working is rapidly gaining prominence as companies begin to adopt flexible working models. This has largely become possible due to the advent of the digital age and access to technology. Today, all that the workforce needs for remote work are […]

Dynamics in Work From Home

The Changing Perception of Work from Home The old-fashioned notion that most people who work from home are women with small children is no longer valid. Not so long ago, women workers shouldered a greater burden of family responsibilities and child rearing. It was therefore quite natural for them to ask for and get work […]
The Why and How of Transitioning to Remote Work

The Why and How of Transitioning to Remote Work

We are living in an era where working from home is a common reality for many. Having the option to work as per one’s convenience, makes job seekers eager and more willing to take up the opportunity. Businesses are realizing this and transitioning to remote work by offering flexibility to their employees. This means employees […]
Trends Transforming Workplace : A 2020 Overview

Trends Transforming Workplace : A 2020 Overview

Ever since the evolution of man, machine, money and many others have been known, there’s been only one constant factor that is ‘change’. If organizations think that their procedures, expectations, policies, technologies and manpower trends are up-to-date, then it is probably time for some rework and updates. Digital transformation including increased automation, AI, Robotics, Cloud […]
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