India Employer Forum

Tag: flexible working

Back to Office - India Employer Forum

Back to Office: Keeping the Blues at Bay

The Covid pandemic changed the course of the world. Having said that, it has tremendously changed how offices and employees continued to work during that phase, and are still continuing to work now as the pandemic is slowly receding. Many companies are eager to have their employees back in office. However, the transition back to […]
Hybrid Model - India Employer Forum

Hybrid Model and its Impact on Employee Engagement

The world of work underwent a metamorphosis during the pandemic. Some semblance of normalcy is now returning, and organisations are evaluating the best return-to-work strategy, with most of them opting for a hybrid work model. A hybrid model is a flexible workplace that combines remote working and on-site working. It consists of a dynamic workplace […]
Work From Anywhere_India Employer Forum

Work From Anywhere – Is This The Future Of Work?

Work from anywhere could be the newest trend on the block considering how businesses worldwide are moving towards providing employees the freedom to work from any location of their choice. Work from home has already become commonplace worldwide as more and more businesses are learning the realities of this pandemic the harsh way and are […]
Millennial Employment Trends - India Employer Forum

Top 5 Millennial Employment Trends In 2020

Millennials form the biggest generation today and are undisputedly the potential leaders of tomorrow. By 2025, they’ll strengthen 70-75% of the workforce and recognize top positions, thus making it crucial for organizations to restructure and enforce millennial employment trends, to sail smoothly with this demographic shift. Millennials have grown up witnessing the boom in the […]

Remote Work Models at the Top During Covid-19 Pandemic

The Advent of Remote Work Remote working for employees simply means working from anywhere. Remote working is rapidly gaining prominence as companies begin to adopt flexible working models. This has largely become possible due to the advent of the digital age and access to technology. Today, all that the workforce needs for remote work are […]

Dynamics in Work From Home

The Changing Perception of Work from Home The old-fashioned notion that most people who work from home are women with small children is no longer valid. Not so long ago, women workers shouldered a greater burden of family responsibilities and child rearing. It was therefore quite natural for them to ask for and get work […]
Trends Transforming Workplace : A 2020 Overview

Trends Transforming Workplace : A 2020 Overview

Ever since the evolution of man, machine, money and many others have been known, there’s been only one constant factor that is ‘change’. If organizations think that their procedures, expectations, policies, technologies and manpower trends are up-to-date, then it is probably time for some rework and updates. Digital transformation including increased automation, AI, Robotics, Cloud […]
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