India Employer Forum

Tag: employee engagement

Neuroscience Pilots the Best Employee Engagement Activities

Neuroscience Pilots the Best Employee Engagement Activities

Leaders looking for optimum utilization of resources invariably turn to employee engagement activities to help tap into the unharnessed potential of their team. Using science, specifically neuroscience, to drive results is a safe bet to guarantee optimum results. Leaders of the world of work no longer ask – why is employee engagement important – they […]
Building A Strong Company Culture With These 4 Categories Of Work

Importance of Organizational Culture – The Extent it Colors the Environment for Employees

The importance of organizational culture is felt more than it is seen. Why? It is because there are so many written and unwritten rules. What’s encouraged subtly and what’s frowned upon overtly? These matters drive an employee’s decisions and subtly show their impact on organizational culture. Organizational culture is not just about the kind of […]
Predictive Analytics for Hiring and Attrition

Predictive Analytics for Hiring and Attrition

A decade ago, hiring an employee was solely determined by the intuitive understanding of the employer based on the candidate’s past employments and job roles and responsibilities. Today, this method is passé because employers are intrigued by the new hiring ideology ‘Think Analytics Think Smarter’. The current vogue at work is the use of predictive […]
Talent Management in the VUCA World

Disruptive Learning Paradigms in the VUCA World

Abraham Zachariah – Head – Learning and Talent Development, GSCs and Tech Centres HSBC and Vasavi Madhira – Head Talent Development, GSCs and Tech Centres, HSBC make a case of how organizations can become employees’ partner in learning When Jack Welch decided to come to India twenty years ago, he is  quoted to have said […]
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