India Employer Forum

Tag: COVID-19 Impact

COVID Impact On Hiring Outlook - India Employer Forum

COVID Impact On Hiring Outlook – What Organizations Expect From Fresh Hires

As the battered global economy is gradually picking up again, renewed hope is beginning to grow. But, the damage is already done. At the moment, the world is facing an economic recession that experts say might rival that of The Great Depression. The lockdown forced businesses to shut down. Unemployment increased – the world of […]
Impact On Mergers And Acquisitions - India Employer Forum

COVID-19 Impact On Mergers And Acquisitions

The number of coronavirus cases globally has crossed the 20 million threshold. Since the pandemic started, the economy of the world has recorded the largest global recession in history. Despite the economic crisis, many financial experts say the effects of COVID-19 can still become worse than it is already. In India, the pandemic has caused […]
Human Resources Managers - India Employer Forum

Human Resources Managers – The Unsung Heroes Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon a situation that no one would have imagined. Human resources managers are amongst those who have been through a lot in these 6-7 months. Like everyone else, they never knew that they would have to face anything of this order and were unprepared. However, unlike most others, HR professionals shoulder […]
HR Challenges - India Employer Forum

Biggest HR Challenges During This Pandemic

After approximately six months of dealing with COVID-19, experts are still unable to come up with reliable estimates as to the level of impact on the global economy. For businesses, however, the goal is clear: survival. This survival, nonetheless, hinges on the effectiveness and innovation of HR managers.  As expected, this has put HR in […]
Regulatory Changes When Needed The Most_India Employer Forum

Regulatory Changes When Needed The Most

Regulatory changes come after plenty of deliberation. That doesn’t mean regulatory change management challenges in the relatively briefer periods of – say, the grip of the current COVID-19 pandemic – drive any less change. Good corporate governance and regulatory changes from government and allied administration bodies meet and work hand-in-hand to serve the people of […]
Mental Health Of Employees - India Employer Forum

COVID-19 And Its Impact On Mental Health Of Employees

We are over two months in the nationwide lockdown with partial reopening of businesses and activities allowed in non-containment areas. The impact of this lockdown on businesses and the economy, as expected, has been enormous. But those are not the only aspect of life that is suffering or has suffered from the pandemic. One aspect […]
Impact Of COVID-19 On Businesses - India Employer Forum

Impact Of COVID-19 On Businesses And Road To Recovery

The novel coronavirus is one of the most gruesome tragedies that mankind has faced in recent times. The invisible enemy has waged war on humanity, killing thousands of people around the world and bringing the global economy to a halt. The impact of COVID-19 on lives and livelihood is unimaginable. It has especially dealt a […]
Indian Economic Growth - India Employer Forum

Indian Economic Growth Revival Post COVID-19

49,436 positive cases of which 1,695 deaths (6th May, worldometer data) so far in India. The number continues to grow. To combat the spread of the virus, countries have initiated coronavirus lockdowns. India is currently in lockdown 3.0 version. The halt of all industrial work is expected to have a major impact on the Indian […]
Post-COVID Business Opportunities - India Employer Forum

Business Opportunities Post COVID

When the coronavirus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, no one expected that it was going to have such mega impacts on a global scale, talk more about limiting business opportunities. On March 11 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 virus a pandemic. As of April 23 2020, the […]
Digital Transformation - India Employer Forum

COVID-19 Accelerates Digital Transformation

COVID-19 has resulted in a massive downturn in economic activity. Its effect on the global economy is being compared to that of other pandemics throughout history. Attempts to limit the spread of the virus have led to the implementation of nationwide lockdowns by many countries, which place the global economy on a standstill. Currently, there […]
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