India Employer Forum

Tag: artificial intelligence

Navigating the Rise of AI

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a defining achievement of the 21st century. As AI becomes increasingly integrated across various sectors, it not only revolutionizes operational procedures but also spawns a multitude of novel job positions crucial for navigating the intricacies of this transformative field. Let’s explore further the wide range of career prospects […]

Building a Talent Pipeline for the Future

Organizations must carry the mantle of bridging the talent gap and work towards developing a higher order of skills among the workforce The business ecosystem has changed dynamically owing to the exponential rise in automation powered by new-age technologies such as cloud, robotics, IoT, and artificial intelligence. The rapid espousal of this digital transformation across […]

Crucial Technological Changes in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, constantly evolving to meet the ever-increasing demands of consumers. In recent years, the pace of technological advancement has accelerated, with several new technologies set to transform the manufacturing industry in the next five years. In this article, we will explore some of the […]

Role of AI in IT Service Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise the way IT service management is conducted in 2023. With the rapid advancement of technology, AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated and is able to automate many of the tedious and time-consuming tasks that are currently done manually by IT professionals. One of the key ways that AI will […]
Artificial Intelligence-India Employer Forum

Is Artificial Intelligence The Answer To HR Problems?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows computers to learn from data and make or recommend actions based on learnings. Artificial Intelligence follows a definite set of algorithms and innovative computing techniques. Integration of artificial intelligence with the human resources will enhance the experience of the employers as well as the employees. Artificial intelligence […]
In Demand IT Skills In India 2020 - India Employer Forum

Top 10 In Demand IT Skills In India 2020

LinkedIn’s latest new emerging jobs report shows that technology skills will continue to be the in demand IT skills in India in the year 2020. Apart from Blockchain Development, which has grown steadily in the last five years, there are other technical roles like Artificial Intelligence Specialist, Javascript Developer and Robotic Process Automation Consultant that […]
HR trends 2020 | India Employer Forum

Get A Head-start On HR Trends 2020 – Maximize Performance By Reimagining Human Resources

The landscape of work in the organized sector is subject to constant change. HR trends 2020 are the culmination of the realization that the human resources need a personal, humane touch to give their best performance. If the Industrial Revolution focused on manufacturing and mechanization, the cascading effect on Indian workers has slowly given way […]

How Can Artificial Intelligence Create Human Value Without the Cost

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought a great deal of change to modern businesses, governments and the general public all over the world. People expect that AI’s applications will transform the way business is done by creating new business models, shoring up efficiencies and increasing profits. There is a humongous anticipation about AI and companies and governments […]
When Algorithms Lead to Bad Management

When Algorithms Lead to Bad Management

In today’s data-driven workplaces algorithms rule. Automation and algorithms allow management to manage vast numbers of people and large organizations.  However,  it is doubtful that all decisions based on algorithms are sound ones and lead to good management practices. Proper management to a large extent,  is primarily about treating the workforce as partners, empowering them […]
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