India Employer Forum


Childcare Benefits for Employees: Is This the Next Big Advantage at Work?

  • By: India Employer Forum
  • Date: 01 December 2022

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A Stanford study revealed that working from home can increase productivity by 13%. On the other hand, an article by also stated that employees working from home work 1.4 days more hours per month than those who work from the office–an additional three weeks per year. Remote work offers more pros than cons for working parents, especially those rearing toddlers. The ease of working from home is also subject to childcare benefits provided by the employer. Prosperity Project’s 5th Canadian Household Perspectives survey found that 63% of women would shift jobs if a work-from-home option were available. This may also be because women are often expected to do more “household” chores and raise children. 

According to a FlexJobs survey, 62% of working parents would quit their jobs if they didn’t have the choice of remote work. 

You might also be interested to read: Is Marriage a Criterion for Maternity Benefit?

What does this mean for childcare benefits? 

While remote and hybrid employees feel a burden being lifted in raising children, they still require help with childcare. Many are under the misconception that remote-working parents don’t need any childcare assistance.

Although many establishments have implemented employee-centric campuses with creche facilities, it leaves a gaping disparity between parents working remotely and from the office. If organisations are unwilling to upscale their childcare benefit programmes, employees seem happy to jump ship.

Why is it essential for employees?

  • When the pandemic struck, we were forced to stay home. This also included spaces like childcare centres. Offering childcare benefits helps working parents juggle their homes and careers to the best of their abilities. In turn, it also helps reduce the risk of mental health struggles, lack of productivity, and burnout.
  • Even with both sets working, many parents need help to afford quality childcare assistance. Organisations that offer monetary benefits or services in other ways help families lead better and balanced lives. 
  • As an unexpected benefit, childcare assistance enables a more diverse workforce. A Future of Benefits report stated that 90% of HR leaders feel that childcare benefits can improve diversity in the workplace. 
  • For organisations to thrive, employee retention is a crucial factor, one that childcare benefits and assistance can perpetuate.

Quick ways to improve childcare benefits in the workplace 

  • If your workplace offers a creche facility, start automating as many administrative tasks as possible to reduce hassles during the registration process. 
  • A creche is one of the first places children learn behavioural patterns. Ensure those in charge are equipped with the latest teaching and learning tools to keep children stimulated and constantly learning. 
  • An excellent way to show your employees that they are cared for is by partnering with childcare service providers. If you feel that your organisation may need to be better equipped to offer childcare benefits, a third-party agent can bridge that gap. 
  • Keep your employees informed about government-funded childcare programs and tax-saving schemes. Tax breaks can help offset the cost of childcare.
  • Create and implement new processes and regulations that grant flexible work timings for young parents. 
  • Enable a minimum of six months for maternity leave and ensure that there are designated lactation facilities in the workplace.
  • Make it a point to reinforce positive parenting practices by training them and creating awareness campaigns for early childhood development. 

There are many benefits that employees can reap from childcare assistance. With the support of their employers, new parents and parents of toddlers are better able to manage time, work, and costs to live a sustainable and well-balanced life. Hence, it is crucial for organisations all over to step up and ensure that employees are well cared for.


  • Childcare Benefits: A Reckoning for Working Families | Talentculture | October 25, 2022
  • FlexJobs Survey: Working Parents Want Remote Work | FlexJobs 
  • The Future of Working Parents | CATO Institute | April 25, 2022 
  • How Employers Can Better Support Working Parents With Childcare Solutions | CO | April 26, 2022
  • Does WFH Really Impact Employee’s Overall Productivity? Study Reveals Surprising Facts | | May 11, 2022 
  • Future of Benefits Report 2022 | For Business 
  • 10 ways companies can be more family-friendly | UNICEF 
  • Working women are worried | The prosperity project | June 15, 2022
  • The bright future of working from home | Stanford University | May, 2020

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