India Employer Forum

World of Work

New Income Tax Slabs In India - India Employer Forum

New Income Tax Slabs In India: How Will These Affect The Average Taxpayer

Come April and Indian taxpayers will have to choose between whether to stay with the old tax regime or the new tax regime. Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman introduced three new income tax slabs in India as she presented the Union Budget 2020. This is the second budget presented by the Modi-led Government after it […]
Employee Loyalty - India Employer Forum

How Employee Loyalty Can Have Negative Effects On Organization’s Culture

While it might appear to be a virtue, employee loyalty is a tendency that can have undesirable implications for organizations. It can have a negative impact on workplace ethics as it often makes followers as well as leaders to ignore flaws and rationalize toxic behavior. This tendency, can not only have adverse effects on the […]
Work From Home Job - India Employer Forum

7 Ways To Establish Work From Home Jobs

Creating work from home jobs for a regular business can be daunting. But here are some effective tips to help you achieve that The concept of a workplace has been redefined in recent years with work from home jobs becoming a popular option, especially with the rise of online jobs. The convenience of working from […]

China’s 9-9-6 Work Culture- Does it make sense?

It is said that if you don’t like what you do, every minute at work is unbearable. Work becomes torture. A topic that has been a source of hot debate is China’s 9-9-6 work culture. Companies in China work from 9am to 9pm for 6 days a week. This means that the employees of these […]
Tackling the HR Challenges in the New Decade

Tackling The HR Challenges In The New Decade

One of the biggest HR challenges in the year 2020 would be to find skilled and qualified candidates in a timely manner. With the advent of new technology and skills becoming redundant at a faster pace, organizations are competing for the best talent like never before. The dynamic market and increased competition have made it […]
Want Diversity and Inclusiveness? Employee Clubs Is the Way Forward

Want Diversity And Inclusiveness? Employee Clubs Is The Way Forward

Employee clubs is an idea that we are all familiar with. Most of us in schools and colleges were part of groups, clubs and societies to further our extracurricular interests. These groups and clubs provided a great place for bonding among students belonging to different classes and ages. Employee clubs are doing exactly that now […]
Budget - A Great Opportunity To Reverse Economic Slowdown - Bharti Mishra Nath

Budget – A Great Opportunity To Reverse Economic Slowdown

Ever since India experienced its own equivalent of glasnost and perestroika post the economic liberalization of 1991, all successive governments have contributed to gradually improving the lives of common masses. Let’s move beyond the 4.5% current GDP rate. India’s per capita income was $300 in 1991. Today, it’s little over $2,000 or Rs 11,254 a […]
New perks in line for the gig work ecosystem as the workers could soon become eligible for insurance cover

New Perks In Line For The Gig Work Ecosystem As The Workers Could Soon Become Eligible For Insurance Cover

Gig, plantation and platform workers will be provided insurance benefits by ESIC and made a part of India’s social security scheme In an unprecedented move, the gig work ecosystem is set to receive a much-needed fillip as the gig workers may soon receive insurance cover. The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), which is the state-run […]
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