India Employer Forum

World of Work

Company Culture - India Employer Forum

Company Culture: Understanding the Dynamics

Company culture also known as organizational culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions, and ways of interacting that makes each organization unique. Company culture is based on shared attitudes, beliefs and customs, written and unwritten rules that have developed over time. Daniel Coyle in his book “The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful […]
Learning Ecosystem - India Employer Forum

Sparing Thought To A Functional Learning Ecosystem Is Non-negotiable

A learning ecosystem that produces results has characteristics made possible only by the investment of aforethought and efficacious follow-up elements. Aside from planning, it also calls for intentional, mindful execution, and the careful nurturing of a disposition to keep gaining new skills, filling knowledge gaps, and generally becoming more effective in a given situation. Since […]
Hybrid Workforce - India Employer Forum

Not Every Leader Can Drive A Successful Hybrid Workforce

The pandemic has completely changed how the world of work used to operate. The usual work shifts are no longer relevant. Organizations are still wondering which way they should go when it comes to choosing a work model. Remote working is an obvious choice but not the only one. On the contrary, having an entire […]
Work-life Balance - India Employer Forum

Work-life Balance Pointers For Remote Workers

The attack of COVID-19 has caused a shift in culture for millions of people to work remotely. The home trial work has proven to be more successful, with more than 77% of employees preferring to continue work remotely. But, while working from home, most of us are content to achieve a good work-life balance. We […]
Company Culture - India Employer Forum

Changing Company Culture For Gig Workers Is Vital Today

The business industry has witnessed some unfathomable transformations during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the companies had no choice but to adhere and accept to keep with the flow. One of them was the increase in the need for gig workers such as freelancers, contract workers, independent or remote workers, etc., which inadvertently called for quick […]
Flexible Office Spaces - India Employer Forum

Leveraging Flexible Office Spaces To Your Advantage

The discussion about flexible office spaces had begun in some inspired C-suite offices at the turn of the decade. But in the momentous year 2020, the ‘work from anywhere’ idea was invariably tabled at every office nook and cranny and also came to fruition. It was no longer a ‘good-to-have’ perk but an enduring requirement […]
HR Practices

Best HR Practices In 2021

There was a time when HR practices were not given much importance. HR was the place where documentation was done and complaints or grievances were handled. The main objective was to make sure employees were productive and the organization functioned properly. But today’s HR practices are focused on putting people first. Human resources personnel nowadays […]
HR Roles In 2021 - India Employer Forum

Changing HR Roles In 2021

HR roles are undergoing a change, redefining themselves from a side-lined activity to the front-end caretaker role of the main workforce. To the critics who called HR roles as a cost center, this about-turn signifies how they play the role of the revenue center in the future of work. Human resource activity keeps essential job […]
Future Of Business - India Employer Forum

Reshaping The Future Of Business

It took a pandemic for the businesses to realize the importance of crisis management, workforce reliance, cybersecurity, digital transformation, and advanced technologies. With the future of business at stake, change was a top priority during the pandemic. Also, risks transformed into opportunities, and impulsive thinking was the need of the hour. Coronavirus jolted businesses in […]
Why I Am Not Losing Hope In India - India Employer Forum

Why I Am Not Losing Hope In India

India‘s renewed reform agenda distinguishes between a recipe and a list of ingredients. Only the brave or foolish will bet against us in the next decade. India is still poor because a muddled economic strategy that began in 1967 not only distorted the relative roles of Samaaj, Bazaar, and Sarkar but failed to distinguish between […]
Four-day Working Week - India Employer Forum

Four-day Working Week Promises Improved Productivity And Employee Engagement

The four-day working week is one of several options that Indian corporate bodies are in the process of giving serious thought. As HR teams urge line managers to move away from timesheet-bound perceptions of performance to outcome-focused ones, workplace flexibility is the name of the game. In that sense, the four-day working week is more […]
Learning Agility - India Employer Forum

Learning Agility: Knowing What To Do In Unfamiliar Situations

Learning agility is quite simply the spirit of readiness. It may be being ready to experience and learn from anything that happens in life. From the human resource perspective, cultivating this is a key life-skill because it takes away the destructive power of the surprises life throws and speeds up growth and development in a […]
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