India Employer Forum

World of Work

Project Management Approach - India Employer Forum

How Project Management Approach Can Improve Life Skills

It is not just the business of business school graduates to use project management as a way of being more organized and effective than those who “wing it”. The freestyling method of achieving goals can also work, but it works especially well if it fits into a project management style of prioritizing tasks, setting workable […]
Employee Burnout At Work - India Employer Forum

Help Employees Overcome Employee Burnout At Work – Here’s How!

To comprehend if an employee is overworked or not is never an easy task. At times, the team leader would not realize until it is too late to help the staff recover from the state of exhaustion. But employee burnout at work isn’t a new phenomenon and has been prevalent in the corporate world for […]
Good Leadership - India Employer Forum

Good Leadership Is Thinking Beyond Success And Failure

Everybody experiences failures on their way to success. Failing is difficult and leaders must try to avoid failures but not at any cost. If leaders or executives try to avoid failures at any cost they might be missing on opportunities that could have led them or their organization to new heights. And that would be […]
Gender Equality In Leadership - India Employer Forum

Why Gender Equality In Leadership Is Good For Business

Gender equality in leadership at the moment is volatile and ephemeral – it cannot be said to be consistently present nor is it wholly absent. However, the many benefits of gender equality in leadership have been understood recently by India Inc. Boardrooms balancing genders and representatives from diverse communities make more inclusive, sustainable decisions and […]
Employee Wellbeing Benefits - India Employer Forum

Increased Employee Wellbeing Benefits

Employers are offering enhanced wellbeing programs to their employees post covid-19 pandemic. The wellbeing programs that are being revised include programs that support mental health, work/life balance and financial health. Employers are trying to address the issues that have been created due to the pandemic in the past year. They are doing everything they can […]
Executive Pay Growth 2021 - India Employer Forum

Executive Pay Growth 2021

Executive pay gets under the spotlight more often than not. Executives being the changemakers at organizations who spearhead decisions, they also command executive-grade compensation in terms of pay scales and benefits. The topmost operators in the organization who make decisions affecting lakhs if not crores in revenue and turnover, are and have always been the […]
Organizational Goals - India Employer Forum

How To Align Organizational Goals With Individual Goals?

Organizational goals are strategic plans made by a company to help reach expected outcomes. Apart from providing guidance, these goals facilitate planning and motivate employees for increased efficiency, productivity, and profitability.  Organizational goals can be categorized into two main types: Official goals: These are the goals which a company aims at and wants to achieve. […]
Future Of Work_India Employer Forum

The Future Of Work, Workforce & Workplace

The business world witnessed a plethora of unforeseen changes as an aftermath of the pandemic. Changes that aided organizations to sail through the concurrent fall of the economy and political divisiveness effectively. Even though the country is yet to return to normalcy, organizations must start looking at the future of work by incorporating the new normal, the […]
Millennial Parents - India Employer Forum

Millennial Parents And How Organizations Can Adapt to Them

The generation of working professionals is now dominated by millennial parents with the people born in the 80s and 90s (between the years 1979 and 1994, to be exact) reaching the crucial life stage of rearing young families while balancing their careers. It is an important span for many industries and is widely recognized among […]
Mental Health At Work - India Employer Forum

Take Note Of Mental Health At Work

We have come a long way since the time Mental Health at Work was ignored completely. Sufferers were obligated to keep their issues of anxiety, depression, self-doubt, or even more debilitating psychosomatic conditions to themselves. Seeing a therapist or a counselor was kept on the down-low even if they got to the stage of doing […]
Hybrid Workforce - India Employer Forum

How To Build An Unbiased Hybrid Workforce

The hybrid workforce model emerged as a silver lining for Indian corporates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering working from home, remote working, and the gig economy were disdained until a few years ago, businesses had no choice but to accept a hybrid workforce model to avert the damages and repercussions due to the dreadful virus. However, this transformation helped […]

Future Of Work: Too Much Tech Can Lead To Digital Fatigue

The future of work is an evolving goal post. Lay persons and industry experts alike don’t know for sure what it’s going to be. Yet, they’re obliged to prepare for and equip for the future of work. An easy conclusion would be to say technology is going to rule all workplaces of the future, with […]
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