India Employer Forum

Human Capital


COVID-19 Pandemic: 5 Ways Employers Can Support Their Employees

Impact of COVID-19 on Employers and Employees It is not at all pleasing to see how fast the coronavirus or COVID-19, as it is scientifically referred to, is spreading across the world. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic earlier this month. When WHO designates a disease or condition as pandemic, […]

Government Urges India Inc To Step Forward To Fight Coronavirus

Introduction: The Emergence of COVID-19 and Its Impact In December 2019, unknown to the world, the coronavirus, which, in its initial stages was considered to be pneumonia, became the world’s deadliest disease ever. China being the epicentre, the virus spread rapidly to almost all the countries and caused innumerable loss of human lives as well […]

Remote Work Models at the Top During Covid-19 Pandemic

The Advent of Remote Work Remote working for employees simply means working from anywhere. Remote working is rapidly gaining prominence as companies begin to adopt flexible working models. This has largely become possible due to the advent of the digital age and access to technology. Today, all that the workforce needs for remote work are […]
Importance Of Human Skills - India Employer Forum

The Importance Of Human Skills In Your Business

Human skills is one of the essential ingredients for India’s economic growth. The market essentially needs vocational skilled manpower to convert growth opportunities into stable job incomes. With innumerable job seekers entering the job market year on year, human skills development is India’s top priority that needs to be addressed on an urgent basis. As […]
Human Capital Development - India Employer Forum

Human Capital Development: India’s Need Of The Hour

A bright and healthy future for the Indian economy is on the horizon. One of the major factors aiding economic growth is the digitization and automation of the workforce. Human capital implies the economic value of the human skills in the workplace that influence productivity.  As the income of the Indians is largely disproportionate, manpower […]

Employee Motivation Acts Through Recognition And Appreciation

Introduction to Employee Recognition Receiving accolades from your employer for your work is the basic description of “employee recognition.” Organizations that acknowledge, appreciate, and praise their juniors are recognizing their performance in one way or the other. A simple gesture in the form of a “thank you” mail or a spontaneous pat on the back […]
Preventing Employee Burnout - India Employer Forum

Preventing Employee Burnout In The Organization

Last year, WHO recognized burnout from work as a legitimate occupational phenomenon which can occur when employees suffer chronic stress at work for long durations. While human beings are capable of handling stress for short durations, prolonged stress can lead to burnout causing physical and mental issues. With WHO recognizing it as a work- related […]

7 Effective Performance Appraisal Methods That Promotes Employee Productivity

Performance appraisal methods are an important process and must be one of the top priorities of the HR department Performance appraisal methods are an annual exercise that organizations follow to assess the performance and productivity of their employees against a set of pre-defined objectives. It also helps organizations to examine the strengths and weaknesses of […]
IT Recruiter - India Employer Forum

Challenges faced by an IT Recruiter

Recruiting technical talent is a pretty overwhelming challenge for an IT recruiter especially if you are not from that field. A healthy competition can be expected from various recruitment agencies for recruiting “Hybrid” (applicants with both technical and business skills) candidates. Many non techie employers may find it challenging to recruit technical talent. The challenge […]
Employee Wellness Program - India Employer Forum

Employee Wellness Programs – 8 Know-hows

Employee wellness programs offer great benefits for both employers and employees. Here are eight benefits of great value. What are employee wellness programs? Employee wellness programs are basically health benefits that many employers offer in various forms besides the standard health insurance. The standard definition of an employee wellness program would be a program that […]
Employee Volunteer Programs - India Employer Forum

Employee Volunteer Programs

The latest and the hottest trend in employees perk these days is corporate volunteering. Companies today are moving ahead of their cash-only contributions to novel solutions to provide for their employees the opportunity to ‘give back’ and serve their community. This is happening through corporate volunteering. In other words, there is a rapidly growing culture […]

Evaluate Incompetencies At Work – Explore Factors And Reasons

Incompetence at work is something managers all the way up to the very top echelons shudder at. Of all the resources that go into the factors of production, human resources are the most profitable and also the most fallible. Each run of the corporate hierarchy is under pressure to keep incompetence at work to a […]
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