India Employer Forum

World of Work

Work-Life Balance And Its Importance

  • By: India Employer Forum
  • Date: 26 October 2021

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Employees are still getting used to working from home. While it can be amazing as they don’t have to travel to work and can spend more time with family, moving to a completely new way of work still has its challenges. One of the biggest challenges that most employees are facing while working from home is separating their professional and personal lives. And if employees don’t work towards achieving this separation, they will have their professional life spilling into their personal life and that could hamper work-life balance. They will not be able to get their minds off of work and spend time with people and doing things that matter to them.

Working from home gives you freedom to work the way you want. You can attend to matters at home as well. However, finding the right work-life balance can be tough. For a lot of people, their home has turned into their workplace and the line that existed between their personal and work life is slowly getting blurred. It is very important for these employees to grab hold of the situation and not let their work life overpower their personal life. Finding a work-life balance that helps employees give deserved attention to both aspects of their lives is certainly challenging, but it is in no way impossible. 

People who are currently working from home need to understand the reasons they need to keep their personal and work lives separate. To begin with, it can help remote employees to save themselves from burnout. It is impossible for people to work the entire day. They need to attend to other important things in their lives as well.

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The always-on attitude can cause them more harm than good. It can lead to several unwanted things, such as burnout, sleeping problems, and relationship issues. This is why taking time off from work is very important. The body needs enough time and mental peace to recover and start afresh. When the body gets the rest it needs, it won’t stop you from challenging your limits.

Getting the right work-life balance is also important for employees to unwind. Before the pandemic, the home used to be a place to rest, relax, spend time with family, and do things that people liked doing. However, for many people, this notion of a home has completely changed. A home, unlike earlier, has now turned into a place that many people associate with work. 

Earlier, it was only associated with relaxation and fun. And if people continue to associate work with home, it will become harder for people to relax or for that matter go to sleep when it’s time to. This is why people need to clearly put their professional life separate from their personal one. And this separation should be done both at physical as well as psychological levels so that the mind knows when it’s time to stop and relax.

Reference: Work From Home? Here’s How to Keep Work From Taking Over Your Personal Life | The Muse | Deanna deBara

You might also be interested to read: Work life balance blurring lines between work and life since-the pandemic

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