India Employer Forum

Tag: Role of a CHRO


Role of a CHRO: 8 Moves To Make For A Lasting Impression In A New Company

Transiting into a new role, especially that of a leader, can be overwhelming, which is why many leaders end up underperforming or not making a lasting impression. The key to speedy efficacy and a successful transition is to have a plan and strategy in place. Also, the role of CHRO in a company is no longer associated […]

The Role of CHRO During Covid-19

The finance chiefs in the corporate world are the first people everyone turns to when a financial crisis strikes. This was the case during the 2007-09 business crisis when the business world was in shambles. A company with a good Chief Financial Officer is one who makes it or breaks the company, that much is […]
Role of a CHRO - Why Your Company Needs One

Role of a CHRO – Why Your Company Needs One

If the late 20th century saw the rise of CFOs, then the 21st century is the playground for the CHROs where they get to be the main striker in a corporate field. Today, when human capital has become one of the biggest conundrums in an organization’s growth, and HR functions can seal that problem, CHROs […]
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