India Employer Forum

Tag: Human Resource

Employee Retention is the New Recruitment: A Game-Changer for Longevity in Organizations

In the ever-evolving landscape of the job market, a paradigm shift is underway. Employee Retention is emerging as the new recruitment strategy, heralding a trend of longevity in organizations. This shift is not merely a buzzword; it’s a fundamental transformation that can redefine how businesses attract and retain talent in the competitive business environment. The […]

Evaluate Incompetencies At Work – Explore Factors And Reasons

Incompetence at work is something managers all the way up to the very top echelons shudder at. Of all the resources that go into the factors of production, human resources are the most profitable and also the most fallible. Each run of the corporate hierarchy is under pressure to keep incompetence at work to a […]
‘External Orientation Is Important To Stay Ahead Of The Curve’

‘External Orientation Is Important To Stay Ahead Of The Curve’

Krishnamurthy Shankar, the group head of Human Resource Development at Infosys, says that HR professionals should remain connected to the outside world and understand the big trends shaping work Q. Please tell us something about yourself. What have been the key highlights in your career? I was lucky to be in great companies in my […]
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