India Employer Forum

Tag: future of work

Diversity And Inclusion - India Employer Forum

Diversity And Inclusion Can Help Firms Get Talent

The modern workforce is more about quality of living than anything else. Workers today focus more on the kind of opportunities that their employer offers them, how their employer helps them pursue their passion, and what their organization does for the greater good of society. Success for millennials doesn’t necessarily have to do with money […]
Highest Paying Jobs - India Employer Forum

5 Highest Paying Jobs In 2022

The pandemic accelerated what already has been a need for more than a few years. Advancements in technology have been happening rapidly for a long time. The pandemic only made the need for digital transformation more urgent for businesses. And that has resulted in quite a significant change in the skills required to excel in […]
Workplace Trends - India Employer Forum

2022 Workplace Trends To Look Out

It is expected that 2022 will see workplace trends that will change the way people work and how and where they work. While most of these trends have started being a part of the workplace even before the pandemic, the pace of their adoption by organizations across the globe saw a significant rise during the […]

Working Environment Models Post-Pandemic

Amit Sharma, CHRO, Ex Volvo Group India, talks to India Employer Forum about the changing HR milieu and its impact. Q. Tell us something about yourself. I’m Amit Sharma, head HR, Ex Volvo Group, India. I’ve been in this space for almost 23 years with an exciting journey working with organizations like Indian Oil, Johnson […]
Business Architecture - India Employer Forum

A Look Into the Business Architecture for 2022

While the world is adjusting to pandemic-run business, companies struggle to find best practices to achieve optimal results with the new working dynamics. According to the Gartner Chief Information Officer (CIO) Survey, which gets feedback from over 2000 IT executives, it was found that some highly-composable businesses came out ahead of the rest when it […]
HR Trends in 2022 - India Employer Forum

Top HR Trends 2022 and Beyond

The year 2021 was all about redefining human resources, primarily due to the challenges brought up by the pandemic. However, 2022 is expected to find newer ways and enhance existing ones to make HR add more value to organizations and people. Several HR trends in 2022 are expected to change the way HR works and […]
Millennials At Work - India Employer Forum

Top Tips On Motivating Millennials At Work

Millennials are the future of the business world. They will contribute the highest to the overall global workforce in the time to come. And with that rise in number, measures to keep them satisfied, happy, engaged, and motivated at work are also expected in the not-so-distant future. The responsibility of providing such an environment will […]
Gender Justice - India Employer Forum

Gender Justice In Post-Covid India: ‘Glass Ceiling’ Versus ‘Sticky Doors’

Manish Sabharwal & Rituparna Chakraborty The post-pandemic economy offers a wonderful opportunity to raise India’s gender justice. Gender injustice is neither new nor Indian. Tennis legend Billie Jean King’s autobiography chronicles her pursuit of equal pay for men and women after the 1970 Italian open offered $3,500 to the men’s champion and $600 to the […]
Human Capital - India Employer Forum

From Human Capital to Human Potential

The world of technology has truly transformed every little thing that it has touched, from the automotive industry to engineering to finance to hospitality. It is no wonder that as technology advances, these industries, too, grow alongside. It is crucial, therefore, for every professional sphere to be capable of evolving at the same pace, so […]
Remote Working - India Employer Forum

Remote Working Turns From ‘Workable’ To ‘Profitable’

The evolution of remote working from being the trump card played by some consultants or exceptional employment arrangements into a mainstream set-up took less than 10 years. In this short time, the trend of remote working was greatly helped along by the coronavirus pandemic. But this traumatic event was not the only driver of remote […]
Future Of Technology - India Employer Forum

The ‘New Normal’ And The Future Of Technology After The Covid-19 Pandemic

We have heard our parents and grandparents brag about how they lived through some of the greatest changes in technology and communication. From the time of snail mail and telegram, to telephones, emails and mobile phones, they saw it all. All of these innovations and inventions however cannot even compete with the changes in communication […]
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