India Employer Forum

Tag: Business leaders

Redefining Leadership - India Employer Forum

How The Pandemic Is Redefining Leadership

The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the way organisations function and has also brought about a difference in the interpersonal relationships between management, employees and clients. If a company has to grow at a time like this, an evolution is absolutely necessary. Mindsets as well as leadership behaviours have to be modified in ways that […]
principles-of-Corporate-Governance - India Employer Forum

Reimagining Principles of Corporate Governance With People At The Core

Principles of Corporate Governance: An Overview Principles of Corporate governance is a sort of an umbrella term. It refers to all the processes and structures that keep the resources of an organization, including human resources, on track towards the optimum methods of achieving its documented long-term goals. The Changing Landscape of Corporate Governance Corporate governance […]
Corporate Purpose - India Employer Forum

Corporate Purpose: Shifting From Why To How

Corporate purpose. What is it? Although it may sound like a strange concept, it isn’t. From a very young age, many individuals are taught the importance of finding their life purpose. To achieve this, people emphasize finding themselves by unearthing their talent – an attribute buried deep inside them. The overall aim of doing this […]
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