India Employer Forum

Human Capital

5 Key Talent Management Strategies

  • By: India Employer Forum
  • Date: 10 August 2022

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What comprises talent in an organisation? It is the people that work in the organisation and it is necessary for it to function. When the employees of an organisation perform at an optimum level, so does the organisation. The blueprint that is needed to broaden and optimise the performance of employees in the company is talent management strategies.

Talent management strategies allow companies to create a plan that can focus on revamping and improving the organisation’s most important asset – its employees. The main goal of talent management is to help the company’s talent pool reach its highest level of efficiency and to attract more equally talented and efficient employees.

The concept of talent management is not static and keeps evolving with changes in time as well as technology. It also changes with modifications like work, which can sometimes prove to be challenging to sustain and build a talent pipeline that is strong enough. This challenge has resulted in the need for new talent management patterns. Today, organisations should be able to adapt to altering work preferences and demographics, set up new capabilities and revive the companies. All of this has to be done along with investing in novel technologies, fighting the competition and globalising and growing operations.

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This is when organisations should employ strategies of talent management so they can achieve their targets and continue to be competitive in the rapid and ever-changing business world. An integrated approach must be established to manage every aspect of the company’s development and recruitment process. 

5 talent management strategies that can prove to be effective are:

1. Setting clear objectives: A manager’s role, among others, is to ensure that the goals and objectives of the organisation are in sync with employees’ goals. Employees should clearly understand their role and responsibility and the organisation’s expectations. When teamwork and efficient communication are combined, the workforce can focus on the company’s main objectives.  If the team has strong defined goals, their involvement in work will increase, and every employee will be committed to meeting the set milestones and achieving higher performance levels. This also increases the organisation’s overall efficiency in carrying out our business strategies and delivering significant outcomes.

Hence, when managers employ new talent for the company, a detailed job description and expectations from the employee should be drawn out. This should also include the aptitude, capabilities, skills and tasks required for that position. Once new talent is hired, managers should also be in touch with them regularly to communicate expectations the organisation has from them.

2. Offering opportunities for training: Companies should offer training programs of high quality so that employees have an opportunity to advance in their careers. If training programs have not been a part of your talent management plan, now would be an excellent time to develop a training program tailored to your company’s employees’ unique area of work. Investing in the potential professional growth of the company’s talent can be done by organising in-house training programs or sponsoring the employees to participate in programs conducted outside the company.

Online training programs conducted outside the organisation are a smart way to do this now. They allow employees to complete the training at their own convenient time and speed. These online programs use learning content and tools for training that are interactive. Some special tools include video training software, micro-learning platforms and learning management systems or LMS.

If the training program is organised within the company, it can include creating curriculums specific to its employees and the nature of the company’s industry. This can be done with mentorship programs, open access to training sessions, and resources. When your employees are coached by someone from within the company, it is more helpful and can contribute to improving the overall performance of the employees.

3. Conducting regular performance evaluations: A manager must regularly evaluate team performance. When an employee’s performance is reviewed, it also allows the manager to provide constructive criticism. If an employee has performed their duty exceptionally well, the manager must use this time to acknowledge the achievement and reward the employee for exceptional performance.

As a part of new strategies for talent management, several companies have shifted from making annual performance assessments to more frequent ones. KPIs or key performance indicators are used to study past and present performance, with an emphasis on readjustments needed to meet the goals. When the KPIs are monitored, it also provides insight into knowledge gaps that may exist and provides the ability to identify shortcomings and strategies to fix them. This also helps in acquiring support and modifying processes if necessary. 

4. Focusing on employee experience: The strategy for talent management used by a company should also include a complete employee experience with enough growth opportunities. It is essential to know the best way that your employees can contribute to the long-term goals of the organisation and overcome challenges that come in the way. This can vary based on company culture, employee benefits, and official working hours. If this arises, managers will have to contemplate if hiring more employees is the answer or if a new benefit scheme must be implemented for existing employees. Strong company culture will also have to be established, encouraging the employees and building and maintaining a feeling of community. This will also give employees a framework to develop and grow.

5. Adopting a flexible attitude: Workplaces today are unpredictable due to changing technological advancements, the global market, and unpredictable political shifts. As a result, if your company goes through any significant change, it is imperative to be flexible and respond to abrupt changes.

Unanticipated changes, tasks and challenges can be effectively handled by being calm about the change. Adjustments that are made to the change in a quick yet composed manner are found to be more effective and fruitful. A manager who adapts to change also:

  • Adapts to rapidly changing challenges that are external to the company
  • Adapts their management style that matches changes in circumstances
  • Accepts any change as a positive step
  • Revises management as well as training strategies when necessary
  • Considers concerns of other people, especially during a transition period.

One of the most valuable skills today is flexibility, especially in a robust competitive setting. Change is constant but also unpredictable, and the feeling of unpredictability never really disappears. Flexibility, however, is not just in response to changing situations. Flexibility is also needed in thoughts, actions and conduction of work.


Companies should focus on developing strategic and unique talent management strategies so that the best employees are retained by the organisation for an extended period. This, however, demands the setting of focused objectives, regular training opportunities, frequent performance evaluations, focus on employee experience and a flexible attitude. With the help of these strategies for talent management, employees will be motivated and happy. 

Reference: 5 Effective Talent Management Strategies|Talent Culture|Omnicore|June 14, 2022

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