India Employer Forum

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360-Degree Reviews Mitigate Personal Bias

  • By: India Employer Forum
  • Date: 11 December 2019

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Of all the types of performance reviews an organization uses, 360-degree reviews are the method that is most effective from the perspective of quality and comprehensive relevance to employee development. Every professional would like to know how well their work measures up against the goals of the organization to which they lend their services and alliance. Performance evaluation bridges the gap between what employees think they are doing and the effectiveness gleaned by the employer for the work put in.

360-degree reviews are one of the comprehensive modes of measuring and marking performance such that a clear and balanced picture of the effectiveness of an employee may be available in a single snapshot. Of all the types of performance evaluation, 360-degree reviews take the cake for grooming leaders. This is why 85% of Fortune 500 companies use this model. 

All performance evaluation is done to offer insights to an employee for better performance in the future. Performance evaluation shows exactly how close the match is between what is expected of an employee and the actual execution. 360-degree reviews can be carried out in as in-depth and detailed a fashion as the employer prefers. Using them as a basis, a professional can make tweaks to their work and working style to garner improving performances.

What are 360-degree reviews?

It consists of a performance evaluation delivered by the immediate superior as well as several team members, internal and external customers, reporting staff, and suppliers. The final score marked is a weighted average of the collated opinions expressed by all these observers. This method ensures that severe positives or negatives are toned down. Constructive observations are made based on the larger amount of data brought to the disposal of the examinee.

In many cases, the employee under the scanner is also asked to deliver an evaluation of their own performance. These scores are also tallied to arrive at the big picture that truly reflects the employee’s performance from various perspectives.

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360-degree reviews are carried out through software tools that make the process of collating ratings, objective feedback, and opportunities for improvement into a unified whole.

The holistic benefits of 360-degree evaluation

It might be challenging in small organizations to find the multiple respondents that are required to fill out the 360-degree reviews. However, it is worth the business’s while to make efforts to bring in data from at least four other peers in addition to the immediate superior’s evaluation. Having 8-10 respondents is ideal. Employee performance evaluation from workers at the same strata in the organizational hierarchy can be a window for upper management to observe the perceived challenges of the team as a whole. From the point of view of improving performance management and appraisal, it can help line managers as well as learning and development (L&D) managers decide on the subsequent development opportunities.  

For those who attempt to take up 360-degree reviews as part of leadership development, this mode of performance evaluation and appraisal of skills holds distinct advantages. Clearly phrased, insightful feedback from givers who have had close interactions with the candidate can offer useful takeaways that he/she can put into practice for the short as well as longer terms. 

Challenges in getting 360-degree reviews off the ground

As much as it reduces the sting of critical feedback, the feedback received through 360-degree reviews can be too arbitrary to enforce and execute if the drive isn’t conducted with care.

Conducting 360-degree reviews requires the expenditure of attention and man-hours in collating data which may be non-uniform and inconsistent depending on the target groups chosen for eliciting feedback. Certain groups, such as suppliers, customers, or clients outside of the organization might require some additional support in order to offer workable feedback. Also, the data obtained from various groups might require further processing which again costs time and effort.

Personnel, participants, and even the examinee who is evaluated need to understand the model and process of 360-degree reviews of performance evaluation. For instance, the focus is more on actionable feedback about what the candidate in question has been doing right. This might be hard to take for the assessed professional if they have undue expectations.

On the upside, if the model is understood correctly, the candidates might themselves go in for the inclusion of summary groups whose evaluation they would like to take into account.

Inexperienced givers of feedback can easily skew the metrics of the feedback. Also, groups or cliques within the organization can give biased answers which can affect the 360-degree reviews beyond correction.

360-degree reviews can never be conducted in a hurry – not only at the stage of execution but in interpretation and review as well.  Admittedly, it is a time-consuming and elaborate exercise where attention to detail holds the key.

An organization looking to make the most of 360-degree reviews has to be prepared to tide over these niggles and establish a system of performance management and appraisal firmly in place to see tangible long-term results.

360-degree reviews carve leaders out of thorough professionals

A matter related to most forms of employee performance evaluation is the monetary incentives, bonuses, ratings, and other forms of rewards and recognition. This is one of the reasons why the quality of 360-degree evaluation matters as much as the insights it seeks to provide.

It is worth concluding that the mode of obtaining 360-degree reviews through interviews, one-on-one and in close groups, can facilitate the advancement of workers in the middle to senior management.When properly executed, a 360 degree performance appraisal can help a professional open up to receiving and putting feedback to use without insecurity. It reflects well on a top leader who approaches several rungs down the ladder to take feedback. One who takes pains to put them into effect will, in the long run, benefit from becoming an empathetic and technically-sound leader. This is the best use to which 360-degree reviews can be put.

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