India Employer Forum

World of Work

COVID-19 Pandemic - Implications on Business - India Employer Forum

COVID-19 Pandemic – Implications on Business

On 11th March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the dreaded COVID-19 as a pandemic and by 24th March, the nation was appealed to go through a 21-day lockdown by the Prime Minister of India. With the Government and the Finance Ministry churning relief packages to protect the underprivileged citizens from the deadly coronavirus outbreak; […]
Work From Home - India Employer Forum

COVID-19: India Inc Embraces Work From Home

The coronavirus pandemic is creating widespread panic and fear globally. The new virus, which is spreading uncontrollably, has devastated world people and economies so much that even the developed countries are scrambling for help. Business activities have taken a nosedive and to survive the pandemic, organizations are leaning heavily towards work from home culture. The […]
Stages Of Coronavirus - India Employer Forum

4 Stages Of Coronavirus Explained! Is India Prepared For What’s Next?

Declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, COVID-19 is now active in over 199 countries and territories and has registered 722,350 affected cases so far, with the death toll crossing 33,980 worldwide (as of 29th March, 2020). Several countries have been put on lockdown to stem the spreading to the next and severe stages […]
Future Of Work - India Employer Forum

Prognosis About The Future Of Work

According to World Economic Forum, ‘Robotics, A.I will create 58 million jobs’. The term ‘Future of work’ always brings into mind the picture of artificial intelligence or robots taking our jobs. But thinking in this way shows us only one side of the coin. To get a better understanding of the present scenario and also […]
Laying Off Employees - India Employer Forum

Laying Off Employees By Startups

It’s not all rosy and pink when a startup is established with investors allocating so much capital into the business. Promoters are constantly under pressure by most of the investors to initiate their thinking in the direction of more profitability rather than just a forceful growth of business or its lateral expansion. As a result, […]
Mentoring women - India Employer Forum

Mentoring Women Retains Talent From Entry Level To The Very Top

Women have been and will continue to be a sizable part of the workforce. Mentoring women and encouraging their progress has the direct result of bringing financial gain and richness of perspectives to the dealings of opinions. It makes sense for India Inc. to tap into this solid, sustainable, and highly dynamic cohort of human […]
Candidate Experience And Employer Branding - India Employer Forum

Candidate Experience And Employer Branding

“If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well”. In today’s  tech-savvy and interconnected world, an organization’s reputation is known through its employer. The process of constantly striving in promoting a company is greatly influenced by the employer first and then followed by the HR department that holds center stage in bringing in new […]
Manpower Forecasting - India Employer Forum

Why Is Manpower Forecasting Needed?

Manpower forecasting helps in preventing shortage of manpower by assessing the current staffing levels across the organization and quantifying how many people and positions are expected. In the absence of systematic manpower planning, organizations cannot be prepared for human resource requirements and will find themselves unable to cope with forthcoming business challenges. To meet the […]
Future Of HR In India - India Employer Forum

Future Of HR In India – The Evolution Of Work Culture

The work culture in India has significantly changed over the years due to the influence of the western world. Technology is another contributing factor and its increased penetration is changing the way people work today and in the process changing the future of HR. Businesses have realized with time that the Indian workforce has matured […]
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