India Employer Forum

World of Work

COVID Vaccine Program - India Employer Forum

COVID Vaccine Program in Organizations: Why It’s Needed

The time for the COVID vaccine program is now – a time when India embarked on the largest vaccination program and stands at an aspirational height compared to any other immunization effort in any other country or populace, past or present, as acknowledged by the World Health Organization. This is a real and valuable triumph […]
Upskilling and Reskilling - India Employer Forum

Skilling: Crucial for Crisis Proofing Your Organization

Most companies believe that they know how to bridge the soft skills gap and it’s the hard skills that they need to look into. This assumption in itself would be a fallacy because the work from home model has changed the very definition of soft skills this year. One big lesson India has learned in […]
Hybrid workforce - India Employer Forum

Hybrid Workforce and Gig Economy in 2021: Challenges and Benefits

Musicians often refer to performing at a place as a ‘gig’. The gig economy works the same way. Gig workers work for a short term, as temporary or as independent contractors for a specified period of time or on project basis. The term ‘gig economy’ is relatively new but these work arrangements are not. The […]
Social Issues In The Workplace - India Employer Forum

Social Issues In The Workplace – Advocate Or Avoid?

Water cooler chats are no longer encircling lighthearted converses and hearsays. With social media becoming a warzone for present-day social issues, the same are quickly permeating cubicle and meeting room walls. Employees are becoming more and more vocal about their social and political stances and are bringing social issues in the workplace. But can we blame […]
Strategic Workforce Planning - India Employer Forum

Workforce Planning – Rerouting Your Business Toward Success

Successes don’t happen overnight or out of sheer luck. Behind every successful organization is a team incessantly planning, analyzing, and implementing ideas to achieve the targets and objectives. Although having effective leadership and lucrative strategies in place is imperative, strategic workforce planning has been instrumental in helping management identify employees as the most valuable resources of the […]
Flexible Work Schedule - India Employer Forum

70% Of Employees Feels Jobs Are More Attractive Under A Flexible Work Schedule

Flextime is a flexible work schedule policy that allows employees to choose when their workday starts and ends, as long as they meet the daily, weekly or monthly target hours set by their employer. The guidelines around how flextime works vary from company to company. For example, one company’s flextime might allow employees to choose […]
Health insurance and pension schemes - India Employer Forum

Covid Is An Opportunity To Make Structural Changes To Our Largest Health Insurance And Pension Schemes

Touted as “employee welfare” schemes since the 1950s, both have failed their clients since birthing and in COVID. Covid reminds us that a modern state is a welfare state — governments worldwide launched 1,600 plus new social protection programmes in 2020. It also reinforces the importance of resources — America’s fiscal deficit this year is […]
Adaptable Organizations - India Employer Forum

Enduring Change Among Adaptable Organizations Is Fostered By Trust

Adaptable organizations revere themselves and the environment that supports them. They don’t try to dissociate themselves from this atmosphere, but to thrive in it. Survivors are adaptable organizations. They are the ones that took to change before it destroyed them and rode the wave while others struggled under the currents. In the current economic conditions […]
Importance Of Office Location Strategy - India Employer Forum

Importance Of Office Location Strategy In Covid-crisis World

More and more organizations across the world are moving towards the hybrid way of working. The hybrid working model ensures that the work gets done, regardless of employee location. It also improves employee safety in the post pandemic times. But by choosing to go the hybrid way, organizations have to be very careful with their […]
Women Entrepreneurship In India - India Employer Forum

Women Entrepreneurship In India Sees A Multi-pronged Boost

Women entrepreneurship in India is not an unheard-of break from routine. In the Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-78), women empowerment and development were mentioned for the first time officially. Since then, initiatives and policies to support women entrepreneurship have been introduced periodically. The dawn of the 1990s saw economic reforms which further reinforced the idea […]
Gender Inequality - India Employer Forum

Gender Inequality Has Been Costly – Now’s The Time To Remedy

Every working professional has heard of gender inequality at the workplace. It’s prevalent in primary education all the way upward and continues in the office. Many would have observed it first-hand. In fact, it’s so internalized in the Indian mindset that people hardly notice it anymore. But behind this imbalance is a tale of lost […]
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