India Employer Forum


Organizational Transformation in the Digital Age

Organizational Transformation in the Digital Age

Digital Transformation is a phenomenon of technology that has a huge impact on day-to-day human lives. For one, there is a definite change in the way people work, although the purpose of work remains the same. The Digital Age has sprung up a Digital workplace that is driven by considerations of time and competition from […]
Neuroscience Pilots the Best Employee Engagement Activities

Neuroscience Pilots the Best Employee Engagement Activities

Leaders looking for optimum utilization of resources invariably turn to employee engagement activities to help tap into the unharnessed potential of their team. Using science, specifically neuroscience, to drive results is a safe bet to guarantee optimum results. Leaders of the world of work no longer ask – why is employee engagement important – they […]
When Algorithms Lead to Bad Management

When Algorithms Lead to Bad Management

In today’s data-driven workplaces algorithms rule. Automation and algorithms allow management to manage vast numbers of people and large organizations.  However,  it is doubtful that all decisions based on algorithms are sound ones and lead to good management practices. Proper management to a large extent,  is primarily about treating the workforce as partners, empowering them […]
Leadership Role of HR in Digital Transformation

Leadership Role of HR in Digital Transformation

The concept of moving towards digitalization was speculative for most senior management folks a few years ago. Today, it is the need of the hour. The corporate universe is changing and changing fast. According to the Boston Consulting Group, in the last 50 years, the average lifespan of the major corporation has shrunk from 60 […]
Industry 4.0 - Benefits, Challenges and Future Workforce Corollary

Industry 4.0 – Benefits, Challenges and Future Workforce Corollary

Industry 4.0, is an evolution that makes it possible to collect and analyze data across machines, equipping faster, flexible and efficient processes to produce higher quality goods at lower costs. Ensued by the rise in digital technologies, this manufacturing revolution will enhance productivity, transpose economics, stimulate industrial growth, and  transform the profile of the workforce […]
Artificial Intelligence in Learning and Development – Employer’s Perspective

Artificial Intelligence in Learning and Development – Employer’s Perspective

The field of Learning and Development isn’t untouched by the advanced technological changes happening around it. Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken over to provide cognizance based on enormous amounts of data it has collected and analyzed, which will facilitate the creation of customized learning programs at an accelerated rate. Few thinkers believe that the function of L&D […]
Corporate Training Programs – Latest Trends in Learning Modes, Methods and Specialized Courses for Growth

Corporate Training Programs – Latest Trends in Learning Modes, Methods and Specialized Courses for Growth

It has long been established that the best way to keep employees motivated and satisfied with their jobs is to provide learning opportunities side by side with other workplace amenities. Among these learning opportunities, some training programs are more popular than others. They significantly impact a professional’s learning curve and help them grow through the […]
Cloud Computing and Its Myriad Impact on Human Resources

Cloud Computing and Its Myriad Impact on Human Resources

Today’s business world is an IT driven world.  New technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence and  machine learning are being used more and more in HR. Cloud computing  actually means the use of software or hardware by an organization through remote access. Businesses use cloud computing to improve their efficiency and capacity without incurring a […]
Gamification - The New Hiring Technique

Gamification – The New Hiring Technique

Gamification is the modus operandi that uses game designs and game elements in a non-game environment to achieve goals. The latest application of gamification is in the recruitment process, where recruiters are adopting this method to help them identity the best applicant for a job. Gamification can also be leveraged to engage individuals with their […]
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