India Employer Forum


Employer Branding | What is employer branding and why is it important for the success of your organization

Impact Of Technology On Talent Acquisition

Just saying that talent acquisition is impacted by technology would be an understatement. Over the years, technology has actually reshaped how recruitment is done, making it less time consuming and far more effective. The impact of technology on talent acquisition is not limited to easy job advertising anymore and it plays a vital role across all stages […]
Reducing Corporate Healthcare Cost

Reducing Corporate Healthcare Cost

The majority of large scale Indian corporate organizations offer healthcare benefits to their employees. But sometimes the same employee healthcare costs can be an expensive matter  for the company. Especially now, since chronic diseases affect more than half the average workforce, resulting in hampered productivity and increased corporate healthcare costs. Companies who sponsor the health care needs […]
HR News | Airbus Signs Deal With Traxof Technologies To Automate Hiring Process

Future Of Work Redefined By AI And Automation

Automation in the workplace – there’s no running away from it. Some people believe it to be a boon for employment generation, while others argue it will create fewer opportunities. Seeing the multiple benefits of automation in the workplace, it seems probable to redefine the future of work. Organizations must therefore start thinking about questions […]
What is the Human Resource Information System (HRIS)?

Creating A Digital Talent Strategy for Digital Transformation

While enterprises across India and the world are investing in developing a good digital transformation strategy for their organizations, most of these initiatives fail to meet their goals. According to Boston Consulting Group, having a digital talent strategy is one of the key pillars to bring a digital transformation. Companies that focus on building a digital […]
HR News |Troubles Mount For Indian IT Firms As Clients Look For More Bang For Buck

Machine Learning Can Play An Important Role In Reducing Employee Turnover

For any organization, employee turnover can be a nightmare impacting profitability as well as eroding brand value. If not prevented, it can result in huge financial losses for the company, among other challenges. This is why, HR executives are always on the lookout for strategies which will help them reduce employee turnover and ultimately lead to […]

New Trends in Payroll Processing In India

Payroll processing in India is undergoing a vast change, mainly on account of market forces unrelated to payroll. The way people consume goods and services is totally changed. The millennials and Gen Z mostly use payment apps for all kinds of buying of goods and services in their day-to-day life. It is the norm. This […]
Gig Economy Rises as Freelance Work Supersedes Traditional Jobs

Gig Economy Rises as Freelance Work Supersedes Traditional Jobs

The last decade has seen a major shift in the employment scenario of our country, as an increasing number of people are eagerly quitting their jobs to work independently. Startups are popping up everywhere, more people are willing to take up freelance work and short term contacts jobs; the rise in the gig economy holds the flag […]
People Analytics In Talent Management: How Using HR Analytics Tools Is Changing The Recruitment Game

Role Of Artificial Intelligence In Talent Management

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in talent management by organizations is quite transformative. People now understand that AI is not going to make HR professionals redundant. In fact, by using AI, organizations can and do bring about quantum changes in the way they recruit, assess, manage and motivate talent. That HR professionals no longer fear […]
Are You Measuring The Right Performance Metrics?

Importance of Performance Management Systems for Small Companies

Unlike large organizations, smaller companies have limited budgets that they tend to spend on functions that are perceived to be more important like product development, marketing and sales. By the end of it, they are hardly left with anything to invest in their most important resource, the employees. However, it is important to know that if […]
Rising Cyber Security Threats In Manufacturing

Retaining Human Touch In A Digital World

Case in point – the millennials as well as the younger generations are getting more comfortable with, and increasingly accustomed to experiences that totally draw from artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Casual interaction with fully automated digital assistants, voicing commands, asking queries, getting directions from a digital device/application, are all part of a normal day in […]
Unlocking Employees' Potential with Digital HR

Unlocking Employees’ Potential with Digital HR

The organizational structure and the role of HR has never been as dynamic as it is today. If we look at the top trends in the industry, they are all unique yet interdependent. 2019 is the first time where we can see five generations in the workforce at the same time, and the HR needs […]
Automation in India - Which Industries Will Get Affected the Most

Automation in India – Which Industries Will Get Affected the Most

Automation in India has always made the workforce very wary. Workers see a direct correlation between automation and shrinking of jobs and job losses. A recent report by the ILO (International Labor Organization) confirms this fear. According to this report, the impact of automation will be in the form of 51.8% of work being automated. […]
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