India Employer Forum



How Can Artificial Intelligence Create Human Value Without the Cost

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought a great deal of change to modern businesses, governments and the general public all over the world. People expect that AI’s applications will transform the way business is done by creating new business models, shoring up efficiencies and increasing profits. There is a humongous anticipation about AI and companies and governments […]
Reference Checks - How to Make the Most of a Limited Interaction

Employee Reference Checks – How to Make the Most of a Limited Interaction

A reference check is the first glimpse into the veracity of the claims an applicant makes. In addition to seeing how he/she comes off on paper, the recruiter gets to see the person behind the credentials through the references. There is a way to perform reference checks so that the recruiter gets to know the […]

Endorse Ban on Hiring Smokers or Sponsor Good Smoking Cessation Programs?

Smoking Ban and the Indian Context In 2008, the Indian government banned smoking in workplaces and other public places to protect people from passive smoking. Currently, there is no law in India that prohibits an employer from refusing to hire smokers, but globally it is becoming increasingly common for companies not to hire smokers. There […]

Talent Acquisition Mistakes – Ways to Avoid Pressure and Find Skilled Labour

Finding skilled labor to fill a position is the responsibility of every hiring manager. Out-of-the-box talent acquisition strategies set apart organizations and recruitment personnel should spend time devising recruitment drives that capture the imagination of potential applicants. Without the use of industry-specific innovation and trends, recruitment often gets stuck in a rut. For instance, in […]
Predictive Analytics for Hiring and Attrition

Predictive Analytics for Hiring and Attrition

A decade ago, hiring an employee was solely determined by the intuitive understanding of the employer based on the candidate’s past employments and job roles and responsibilities. Today, this method is passé because employers are intrigued by the new hiring ideology ‘Think Analytics Think Smarter’. The current vogue at work is the use of predictive […]
Qualities to Look For When Hiring a Manager

Qualities to Look For When Hiring a Manager

A managerial-grade hire is immediately put in charge of supervising the human talent pool in an organization. He/she blends into the process of helping employees align with the company’s culture and ethos. It depends on this manager whether employees choose to stay on or leave. The role played by a manager in each of the […]

Top Recruitment Trends for 2025

Evolution of Recruitment Trends 2025 Recruitment has undergone a sea change, and this isn’t just a clichéd expression. Employers realize that there is a myriad of ways to attract new talent and bring pertinent skill sets on board. The days of a nominal print ad serving the purpose are long gone. Recruitment Marketing: A Year-Round […]
Hiring Tips – Ways to Make Hiring Rewarding

Hiring Tips – Ways to Make Hiring Rewarding

Delegating work to suitable resources is the surest way of efficient, timely management of a project. While start-ups recruit to delegate tasks and sub-tasks to people brought on board, larger companies develop a hierarchy in which discrete roles are assigned to each member in a team – which is also a form of delegation. Strengthening […]
Employee Onboarding - Ways to Welcome a New Employee

Employee Onboarding – Ways to Welcome a New Employee

Employees are a company’s most precious resource. Hiring and retaining employees, therefore, is one of the most important functions in a company. Companies go to great lengths to hire employees that are a perfect fit. Newly hired employees need to be treated in a special way to help them get inducted into the company. They […]

Signs of a Bad Leader – How to Rein in the Far-reaching Aftermath

It is often thought that any leadership experience is valuable enough, but the consequences of hiring a lousy leader focuses the spotlight on why hiring needs to be a careful, methodical process. The process of hiring a leader is not the same as any other recruitment drive. A host of interview processes to test skills, […]
Benefits of Social Recruiting

Benefits of Social Recruiting

Social recruiting is a term used to define the process of hiring or recruiting a professional through social media. It allows recruiters to leverage social media as a tool to aid in the  recruitment process. The procedure of recruiting a new professional may sometimes get stressful as there may be a lack of suitable applications. […]
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