India Employer Forum


Top Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs

Top Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs

Reasons why employees quit are many. Some are personal like following spouse, looking after children, choosing different career or going back to college. But top reasons why employees leave their jobs are within the purview and control of the employers. Any cause or reason causing resignation of an employee is attributable to the culture of […]
More Pain For Mid-senior IT Employees As Large Companies Plan Further Layoffs

How Layoffs Can Backfire

Why do companies resort to layoffs? Layoff is not a corporate strategy, rather companies resort to this measure as an immediate sort of a response when the business is going at a loss and want to stem costs. But layoffs can backfire. They do not really help the companies to recover or revive their fortunes. […]
Employee Referral Policies - Fair or Foul?

Employee Referral Policies – Fair or Foul?

In light of recent cases where procedures and implementations of employee reference policies are raising alarms, leaders and professionals are asking whether such programs and policies are fair. An employee referral program is basically a structured plan adopted by companies to find and hire new talent from among those candidates who are referred by the […]
Job Market In India Likely To Remain Steady This July-September 2019 Qtr

Job Market In India Likely To Remain Steady in July-September 2019 Qtr

Job market in India is facing a little bit of a slow down. A recent survey conducted by Manpower Group (Employment Outlook Survey) has indicated that only 13% of employers plan to hire in the July-September quarter. This figure is about 4% less as compared to the same quarter’s figure last year. 61% of employers […]
Using Talent Acquisition Metrics To Measure Business Impact

Using Talent Acquisition Metrics To Measure Business Impact

The talent acquisition (TA) teams in organizations have been struggling to showcase their contribution and gain more acceptance by the business side. This is mainly because they have not been able to quantify their contribution effectively and display how they add value to the business. A good mix of talent acquisition metrics can be used to help […]
Want Diversity and Inclusiveness? Employee Clubs Is the Way Forward

Declining Female Employment Rate in India and Why

According to a World Bank Report in 2018, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) among females in India was 26.97% against the world average of 48.47%. As per ILO’s international database (ILOSTAT), India ranks 121 out of 131 countries as far as the participation of women in the workforce is concerned. The female employment rate in India has […]
How to Change Your Recruiting Strategy to Attract Talented Workforce?

How to Change Your Recruiting Strategy to Attract Talented Workforce?

When there’s a significant shift in the economy, the way people in the workforce think and feel about their job is also subject to significant changes. With a booming economy and far less competition, the employee selection process can be a lot more complicated than it already was. Who is to blame? Old school selection […]

How Can Artificial Intelligence Create Human Value Without the Cost

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought a great deal of change to modern businesses, governments and the general public all over the world. People expect that AI’s applications will transform the way business is done by creating new business models, shoring up efficiencies and increasing profits. There is a humongous anticipation about AI and companies and governments […]
Reference Checks - How to Make the Most of a Limited Interaction

Employee Reference Checks – How to Make the Most of a Limited Interaction

A reference check is the first glimpse into the veracity of the claims an applicant makes. In addition to seeing how he/she comes off on paper, the recruiter gets to see the person behind the credentials through the references. There is a way to perform reference checks so that the recruiter gets to know the […]

Endorse Ban on Hiring Smokers or Sponsor Good Smoking Cessation Programs?

Smoking Ban and the Indian Context In 2008, the Indian government banned smoking in workplaces and other public places to protect people from passive smoking. Currently, there is no law in India that prohibits an employer from refusing to hire smokers, but globally it is becoming increasingly common for companies not to hire smokers. There […]

Talent Acquisition Mistakes – Ways to Avoid Pressure and Find Skilled Labour

Finding skilled labor to fill a position is the responsibility of every hiring manager. Out-of-the-box talent acquisition strategies set apart organizations and recruitment personnel should spend time devising recruitment drives that capture the imagination of potential applicants. Without the use of industry-specific innovation and trends, recruitment often gets stuck in a rut. For instance, in […]
Predictive Analytics for Hiring and Attrition

Predictive Analytics for Hiring and Attrition

A decade ago, hiring an employee was solely determined by the intuitive understanding of the employer based on the candidate’s past employments and job roles and responsibilities. Today, this method is passé because employers are intrigued by the new hiring ideology ‘Think Analytics Think Smarter’. The current vogue at work is the use of predictive […]
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