India Employer Forum


Employee Value Proposition - India Employer Forum

Employee Value Proposition And War For Talent

The present day job market is largely candidate driven, which means that employers don’t get to pick and choose their employees anymore, but the candidates decide whether they would be happy and willing to work at a particular place. Today, before accepting an offer, job seekers try to figure out if they can trust a […]
Remote Staff Model - An Effective Engagement Tool

Remote Staff Model – An Effective Engagement Tool

The advent of technology has brought along with it a tidal wave of changes in our general lives and lifestyle, and hasn’t been shy of sprinkling a shower of these changes in our corporate world of business – not the least of which has been enabling the idea of remote workers. According to a report […]

Unretirement – The New Stage of Employment Cycle

Managing the employment cycle is a function that every company must prioritize as it involves the most critical asset of an organization, its people. When employees are supported at every stage of their career, they feel valued which in turn translates into higher job satisfaction and increased productivity. While the five stages of employee lifecycle from recruitment […]

Multi-criteria Decision Making In Personnel Recruitment

  The Limitations of Psychometric Tests The usage of psychometric tests in high-result yielding recruitment is lauded far and wide. According to research, the average job tenure increases by 15% for candidates recruited on the basis of these test results. And yet, these tests can prove to be largely misguided owing to their ready availability […]
Ghosting Affects Employee Recruitment

Stop Ghosting Your Candidates

Ghosting is a practice of interviewing candidates and not informing them about the result of the recruitment interview, maintaining complete silence. In other words, ghosting refers to completely ignoring the candidates once they have been interviewed. Ghosting affects employee recruitment in a very negative way. For quite some time now, employers and recruiters have been indulging […]
Top Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs

Top Reasons Why Employees Leave Their Jobs

Reasons why employees quit are many. Some are personal like following spouse, looking after children, choosing different career or going back to college. But top reasons why employees leave their jobs are within the purview and control of the employers. Any cause or reason causing resignation of an employee is attributable to the culture of […]
More Pain For Mid-senior IT Employees As Large Companies Plan Further Layoffs

How Layoffs Can Backfire

Why do companies resort to layoffs? Layoff is not a corporate strategy, rather companies resort to this measure as an immediate sort of a response when the business is going at a loss and want to stem costs. But layoffs can backfire. They do not really help the companies to recover or revive their fortunes. […]
Employee Referral Policies - Fair or Foul?

Employee Referral Policies – Fair or Foul?

In light of recent cases where procedures and implementations of employee reference policies are raising alarms, leaders and professionals are asking whether such programs and policies are fair. An employee referral program is basically a structured plan adopted by companies to find and hire new talent from among those candidates who are referred by the […]
Job Market In India Likely To Remain Steady This July-September 2019 Qtr

Job Market In India Likely To Remain Steady in July-September 2019 Qtr

Job market in India is facing a little bit of a slow down. A recent survey conducted by Manpower Group (Employment Outlook Survey) has indicated that only 13% of employers plan to hire in the July-September quarter. This figure is about 4% less as compared to the same quarter’s figure last year. 61% of employers […]
Using Talent Acquisition Metrics To Measure Business Impact

Using Talent Acquisition Metrics To Measure Business Impact

The talent acquisition (TA) teams in organizations have been struggling to showcase their contribution and gain more acceptance by the business side. This is mainly because they have not been able to quantify their contribution effectively and display how they add value to the business. A good mix of talent acquisition metrics can be used to help […]
Want Diversity and Inclusiveness? Employee Clubs Is the Way Forward

Declining Female Employment Rate in India and Why

According to a World Bank Report in 2018, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) among females in India was 26.97% against the world average of 48.47%. As per ILO’s international database (ILOSTAT), India ranks 121 out of 131 countries as far as the participation of women in the workforce is concerned. The female employment rate in India has […]
How to Change Your Recruiting Strategy to Attract Talented Workforce?

How to Change Your Recruiting Strategy to Attract Talented Workforce?

When there’s a significant shift in the economy, the way people in the workforce think and feel about their job is also subject to significant changes. With a booming economy and far less competition, the employee selection process can be a lot more complicated than it already was. Who is to blame? Old school selection […]
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