India Employer Forum

World of Work

Dynamic Skills Strategy Can Prepare Your Workforce For The Future

  • By: India Employer Forum
  • Date: 20 October 2020

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Employee skill development is one of the most important things that can help businesses to continue competing at the very highest level. Having said that, only a dynamic skills strategy that changes with changing times and needs can produce exceptional results. There can’t be a better time for HR leaders to adopt a dynamic skills approach than now.

The in-demand skills before the pandemic are not desirable anymore. The situation demands employees to have a new set of skills to navigate the tough times. Even organizations are becoming more flexible and turning to new ways of working to overcome the challenges brought up by the pandemic.  The need of the hour is innovative upskilling. For organizations to not let the current conditions affect them too much, they need to make sure that they devise strategies for skills development that can accommodate the changing needs of their distributed workforce.

You might also be interested to read: In Demand Skills In India

Both HR and employers need to understand that investing time and money in irrelevant upskilling can push their growth back a few years. HR should rather focus on using the time available to them for helping employees gain new skills by looking for learning programs that the employees will need to excel in the post-pandemic world. And even if the pandemic didn’t happen, employees would have still needed more skills this year to stay relevant. The number of skills that an employee needs to keep or better their position at an organization is increasing every year. So the in-demand skills of two or three years ago aren’t relevant today. This is why it is very important for organizations to assist their employees in shifting skills year on year.

In the current scenario, a lack of digital skills can cost employees their job. It is the responsibility of HR managers to ensure that employees not only learn those skills but also understand how to implement them in real life.

How does a dynamic skills strategy make a difference? HR managers that adopt the dynamic skills approach enable employees to learn as well as apply new skills. This approach also helps HR in knowing when a skill shift is required. Making predictions is an incorrect way of upskilling employees. For instance, employees today need tech disruptive skills to come to terms and do well in this new age of work. Nobody could have ever predicted the current situation. So the predictive way of upskilling stands unsuccessful. The dynamic skills approach is the clear winner.

It is also very important for HR managers to classify different skills or create dynamic skills taxonomies. This will help them to provide their people with the right tools and resources for developing skills when they need them the most. By creating dynamic skills taxonomies, HR can significantly simplify the process of upskilling employees.

The dynamic skills approach can work wonders for organizations if done right. It can help in improving employee productivity and making employees go that extra mile to achieve pre-set goals.

Reference: “Stop Training Employees in Skills They’ll Never Use” | Mary Baker | 28 August 2020

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