With Firing Rises Hiring Of Outplacement Companies

“Times are busy,” said Sue Ann Vaz, the head of value-added services at ABC Consultants.

Vaz’s team, among other things, is engaged by companies to provide outplacement and career-transition services to employees who are being let go of. Given the recent spurt in layoffs in India Inc, she said she had, at times, been juggling up to four meetings a day.

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While the tax reforms announced by the government on Friday have cheered businesses and will likely provide a boost to the employment market, the slowdown that had gripped the economy for months has led to job losses in several sectors. But unlike in the past, when only multinationals offered outplacement services, an increasing number of Indian companies are also now calling in career transition experts, such as Vaz, to help their employees deal with the tough times, as well as ma-nage their brands’ goodwill.

Source: Economic Times

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