India Employer Forum

Tag: VUCA Leadership


How Does Agile Leadership Make A Difference To Businesses?

Introduction to Agile Leadership Agile leadership came into being when organizations understood how middle management wasn’t contributing to the proper growth and development of employees. In a way, they were holding them back instead of making the development process easier and faster. Although the agile approach was first used in the software development industry, it […]
Leadership Skills - India Employer Forum

Leadership Skills Needed To Thrive In A VUCA World

VUCA is an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. There can’t be a better example of a VUCA world than the one everyone seems to have grown used to in the past year and a half. The challenges brought up by the pandemic perfectly co-relate with that of a VUCA world. And with these […]
VUCA Leadership - India Employer Forum

VUCA Leadership: More Relevant Today Than Ever Before

The term VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) has been around for quite a while – over three decades to be precise. But its relevance has never been felt and experienced as much as it is today. The VUCA world with an impact and of the level of COVID-19 pandemic has never appeared earlier. If […]
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