India Employer Forum

Tag: employee wellbeing

Navigating the Corporate Landscape: Unraveling the Impact of Employee Well-being Initiatives

In the fast-paced world of business, companies are increasingly recognizing the critical importance of prioritizing employee well-being. Let’s delve into the intriguing realm of employee well-being initiatives, exploring their significance, the diverse approaches adopted by companies, and the measurable impact on both employees and the bottom line. The Rationale Behind Well-being Initiatives Employee well-being initiatives […]

Employee Wellbeing at Work: The Vital Link Between Health and Happiness

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, employee wellbeing is gaining increasing attention. Employers are realising that prioritising the health and happiness of their workforce not only leads to higher productivity but also fosters a positive work environment. One significant aspect of promoting employee well-being is to connect health with their overall wellbeing. Let’s explore […]
Mental Health - India Employer Forum

Fighting Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

According to an article published on, India’s economy has recovered to the pre-pandemic GDP level of 2019-20. GDP growth in FY 2021-22 now stands at 8.7%, a 1.5% bump from 2019-20. As encouraging as those numbers are, there’s a harsh reality on the other side of the coin. What goes unnoticed is how employees […]

10 Ways to Boost Employee Wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is a significant buzzword since overall employee unhappiness has increased in the past decade. Even if you are an organisation that prides itself on being a good employer, your company may be hurting employee wellbeing and health because of how the work is organised. Ask yourself, ‘Do my employees exist in a constant […]

‘We are a ‘Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch, Hi-Trust’ Company’

Srikanth Karra, CHRO, Mphasis, talks to India Employer Forum about reaping the benefits of a great company culture, developing a continuous talent pipeline framework and much more. Q. Tell us a little about your work journey I have close to three decades of experience in the industry. I did my masters in personal management and […]

Outdated Wellness Programs Do Not Impress Millennials Anymore

The Need to Redefine Wellness Programs for Millennials With the newer generations rapidly filling in the cubicles and leadership roles, it is imperative that the corporates consider upgrading and redefining their wellness programs. Unlike the baby boomers, millennials aren’t keen on settling for outdated perks. They have expectations. They want security, recognition, appreciation, and rewards. […]
Wellness Day-offs - India Employer Forum

Wellness Day-offs To Prevent COVID-induced Burnout

Employee burnout is a problem every organization has to deal with. The constant pressure in the workplace due to the pandemic is leading to stress, anxiety, and depression in many employees. To offset these undesirable consequences and maintain high-level productivity, organizations are providing wellness day-offs for their employees. What are employee wellbeing days? Employee wellbeing […]

5 Rewarding Employee Wellness Programs For Remote Workers

Unlock 2.0 is underway in India and businesses are starting to come to normal. However, the process is expected to be a long one and will likely take place in phases. So remote working will remain valuable for some time to come. Some businesses may continue with it even after complete normalcy; however, it remains […]
HR Challenges - India Employer Forum

Biggest HR Challenges During This Pandemic

After approximately six months of dealing with COVID-19, experts are still unable to come up with reliable estimates as to the level of impact on the global economy. For businesses, however, the goal is clear: survival. This survival, nonetheless, hinges on the effectiveness and innovation of HR managers.  As expected, this has put HR in […]
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Measuring The Impact Of Employee Wellbeing Programs

Over the last few years, organizations in India have started investing more on wellbeing activities at work to ensure that their employees are leading a healthy lifestyle. However, introducing employee wellbeing programs alone is not enough. Organizations need to be able to measure how they benefit from it for which they usually use the traditional method of […]
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