Nurturing Prosperity: Seizing Opportunities in the Rise of the Care Economy on World Health Day

One of the most significant drivers of the care economy is the ageing population. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of people aged 60 and older is expected to double by 2050, reaching nearly 2.1 billion globally.

As the world marks World Health Day, the spotlight turns not only to traditional healthcare but also to the emerging domain of the care economy. With demographic shifts leading to ageing populations across the globe, the need for comprehensive care solutions has never been more pressing. This shift presents a multitude of opportunities for businesses to innovate and thrive in what is increasingly recognised as the care economy.

The care economy encompasses a broad spectrum of goods and services aimed at enhancing the quality of life for individuals, particularly the elderly and those with chronic illnesses or disabilities. From healthcare services and pharmaceuticals to assistive technologies, home care services, and wellness programs, the scope of the care economy is vast and diverse.

One of the most significant drivers of the care economy is the ageing population. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of people aged 60 and older is expected to double by 2050, reaching nearly 2.1 billion globally. This demographic shift brings with it an increased demand for healthcare services, long-term care facilities, and specialised products tailored to the needs of older adults.

Businesses that recognise and respond to this growing demand stand to benefit immensely. For instance, companies involved in healthcare technology can develop innovative solutions such as telemedicine platforms, wearable devices for remote monitoring, and digital health records to improve access to care and enhance the quality of life for seniors.

Similarly, there is a burgeoning market for home care services, as many elderly individuals prefer to age in place rather than move to assisted living facilities. Companies offering home care assistance, meal delivery services, and home modifications to improve accessibility are well-positioned to capitalise on this trend.

Moreover, the care economy extends beyond traditional healthcare to encompass wellness and lifestyle services aimed at promoting healthy ageing. This includes fitness programs, nutritional supplements, mental health services, and social activities designed to enhance overall well-being and prevent the onset of age-related illnesses.

In addition to the economic opportunities it presents, the care economy also has significant implications for societal well-being. By investing in solutions supporting healthy ageing and independent living, businesses can contribute to creating age-friendly communities where older adults can live with dignity and autonomy.

On World Health Day, as we celebrate the importance of health and well-being, it is essential to recognise the transformative potential of the care economy. By embracing innovation and entrepreneurship in this burgeoning sector, businesses can not only drive economic growth but also foster a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of age or ability.

Author: Aparna C, CHRO, Torry Harris Integration Solutions


  • Robust economic growth critical for India to take care of its elderly | Deccan Herald | Oct 2023
  • Care economy: an opportunity to create jobs and close the gender gap | World Economic Forum | May 2022
  • Senior Care Reforms in India | Niti Aayog

About the author

Aparna C is an accomplished HR Leader with over 20 plus years of experience in Human Capital Strategy, Transformation, Culture, and Operations with proven expertise in fuelling organisation effectiveness and delivering business-aligned results for organisations from Start-up to Mature phases & and across industries – Technology, Supply Chain Management, Research & Development, IT Services, and others. She has worked extensively on Strategic Partnerships with Business Leaders providing insights for the entire business lifecycle. Her strength lies in building strong internal, and external relationships with CXOs and people across all levels of the organisation to foster a positive work environment, promote employee morale, and implement best practices. Connect with her on LinkedIn

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