IndiaFirst Maps Employee Destiny with ‘Career Kundali’

Inspired by the ancient practice of astrological charts, Career Kundali maps a unique path for each employee, guiding them towards their professional goals.

Lost at sea, with no map or compass to guide them, many employees drift aimlessly through their careers. But at IndiaFirst Life Insurance, a unique programme called ‘Career Kundali’ is tossing them a lifeline. Inspired by the ancient practice of astrological charts, Career Kundali creates a personalised roadmap for each employee, guiding them towards their professional goals.

The brainchild of Sunder Natarajan, the company’s CHRO, Career Kundali began with a spark of curiosity. “As a customer, I was fascinated by this idea,” he admits, “so I decided to be the guinea pig!” His pioneering spirit led to the creation of a programme that is now a cornerstone of employee development at IndiaFirst.

Source: HR Katha

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