Samsung Plans Four IoT Experience Centres In India

South Korean multinational Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd plans to set up four more state-of-the-art experience centres to showcase its end-to-end Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to drive growth in its India business.

Samsung said such centres will help familiarize consumers with its solutions for smarter homes and, this in turn, will help boost sales. The experience centres are likely to come up in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad.

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The company opened its first mobile experience centre for the Indian market in Bengaluru in September 2018.

The 33,000-sq.ft store at the Opera House off Brigade Road—a standalone property used during the British era to stage plays—houses Samsung’s largest mobile experience centre globally.
“We will launch four more such centres in other metro cities,” Raju Pullan, senior vice-president, consumer electronics business, Samsung India, said in an interview.

Source: livemint

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