New-age Jobs: Skilling The Workforce For Industry 4.0

The 21st century will be remembered in history for the onset of Industry 4.0. India, along with the US and China, is expected to be among the frontrunners of Industry 4.0, creating new economic opportunities for the workforce.

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According to the Deloitte report ‘Preparing tomorrow’s workforce for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, 79% of youth respondents confess they had to go outside of ‘formal school’ to learn requisite skills. So, to begin with, the Indian education system should focus more on exploring academic-industry collaborations, and lay more emphasis on practical training. Lifelong learning will play a prominent role in remaining relevant, and the role of soft skills, including creative and critical problem-solving and interpersonal skills, cannot be underestimated.

A lifecycle approach must be adopted in skill development programmes—from the aspirations of people before training, to counselling and following up with the beneficiaries during their employment.

Source: Financial Express

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