Most Employers Keen To Retain Existing Workforce Amid COVID-19 Crisis: Survey

According to staffing company Genius Consultants ‘9th Hiring, Attrition and Compensation Trend 2020-21’, around 81 per cent of the respondents have shown interest to carry on with existing manpower and retaining them.

At a time when the Indian job market is going through increasing uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, most employers in the country are keen to retain their existing manpower, says a survey.

According to staffing company Genius Consultants ‘9th Hiring, Attrition and Compensation Trend 2020-21’, around 81 per cent of the respondents have shown interest to carry on with existing manpower and retaining them.

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The survey, however, noted that almost 53 per cent of employers are not going for new recruitment, even as around 15 per cent respondents indicated that there will be replacement hiring.

Interestingly, 10 per cent respondents said there will be new job opportunities this financial year, the survey said adding that the northern region will provide more opportunities for job seekers. But this year, the increment scenario seemed “unwelcoming” with 61 per cent with companies saying no to increment due to the current economic situation, whereas 27 per cent thought increment will be less than 5 per cent and around 11 per cent thought the increment will range between 5-10 per cent.

Source: Financial Express

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