Modi Govt Pursuing Bold Strategies for Universal Internet Access by 2022: Ajit Pai

  • Pai said millions of Indians and Americans still live in rural areas where there is currently no case for the private sector alone to build broadband networks
  • Pai said one of their top priorities is to protect the security and integrity of the communications supply chain

India is pursuing bold strategies to achieve the ambitious goal of universal Internet access by 2022, a top American official has said, highlighting the challenges in building broadband networks in rural areas.

“I commend Prime Minister Modi and the Indian government for their ambitious goals of universal Internet access by 2022 and fixed broadband access to 50 per cent of households by 2022,” Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said at the India Ideas summit of US-India Business Council here on Wednesday.

“To meet these targets, they’re pursuing bold strategies such as installing two million public Wi-Fi hotspots in rural areas and redesigning and expanding the Universal Service Obligation Fund,” he said.

Source: Livemint

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