‘Jobs Will Be Created In Tune With Aspirations Of Youth’

Minister for Industries Mekapati Gowtham Reddy has said the government wanted to create employment opportunities in line with the aspirations of the youth across the State.

Addressing a review meeting attended by the officials of the Departments of Industry, Skill Development and other allied wings here on Tuesday, the Minister said volunteers of village and ward secretariats should conduct a survey focusing on the aspirations of the youth in every nook and corner of the State. He wanted the officials to prepare comprehensive reports on the different initiatives being taken by the different departments and agencies on creation of job opportunities and self-help programmes.

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He said the job of the village and ward-level volunteers would be to collect a detailed information about youth and their categories based on their educational qualifications — school, college, university or even school dropouts. The aspirations of each category should be identified and the information thus collected should be included in the report, he said.

Mr. Reddy said the skill development training being imparted through different departments in the State was in accordance with the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), a competency-based framework that organises all qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. The certificates issued by NSQF were valid at the national and international level.

Source: The Hindu

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