India Needs $2.64-Trn Investment To Meet UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

India needs a whopping $2.64 trillion investment to meet the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), offering the private sector an investment opportunity of over $1.12 trillion by 2030, according to a report.

According to the Standard Chartered SDG Investment Map, the total investment that the country needs to make by 2030 is a whopping $2,633.9 billion. Of the total, $,558.8 billion is for clean energy, $505.5 billion for transport infrastructure, $377.4 billion for digital access; and $192.2 billion for clean water and sanitation.

Of the total $2.64 trillion of investment needed, the potential investment opportunity for the private sector is a whopping $1.12 trillion with $701.5 billion going into clean energy, $226.5 billion for digital access, $176.9 billion in transport infrastructure, and $19.2 billion for clean water and sanitation, said the report.

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For the emerging markets as a whole, the opportunity for the private sector is around $10 trillion, said the report adding that “India represents $1.124 trillion of SDG opportunity, or more than 10 per cent of the $9.668 trillion opportunity for private sector investors across all emerging markets to help achieve the UN goals.”

Source: Business Standard

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