IIT Delhi To Provide Support, Opportunities To Nurture Startup Culture

The institute said it will expand networking and mentorship opportunities for students through regular guest lectures by successful alumni

NEW DELHI : The Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi (IIT-Delhi) on Monday said it will provide space, funding connect and mentorship opportunities to entrepreneurs, students and teachers from India and neighbouring countries to set up startups inside its campuses. The move underlines the vision of country’s premier institution to become a global start-up destination.

“IIT Delhi will become the preferred destination for aspiring entrepreneurs in India, and neighbouring countries by nurturing a startup culture among students and faculty and bridging the gap between research and entrepreneurship,” the elite engineering and tech school said while celebrating its diamond jubilee.

The IIT said it will establish a “world class entrepreneurship center” and “increase engagement of Institute with the startup ecosystem”. “Create a one stop shop for entrepreneurs in India and neighbouring countries, by providing access to resources for example workspaces, cloud storage, processing power, mentorship from faculty and alumni, connect with funders, etc,” the institute underlined in its new vision document.

Source: livemint

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