HUA Ministry Seeks MEA’s Intervention In Getting Projects For CPWD In Foreign Countries

Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry has sought intervention of the Ministry of External Affairs for availing expertise of the CPWD by foreign countries, saying it will not only benefit the “needy countries” but also enhance India’s image in the globe.

HUA Joint Secretary Ved Prakash has written to MEA Additional Secretary Manoj K Bharti, saying the CPWD has successfully carried out government of lndia-aided projects in various foreign countries like Nepal, Mauritius, Afghanistan.

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Prakash said the central government’s prime construction agency CPWD, which comes under the HUA Ministry, has also constructed embassies for the Indian government in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Zambia, among others.

“ln the recent past, it has constructed Afghan Parliament Building and Chancery Building in Kabul and presently working on projects in South Sudan, Nepal and Myanmar entrusted by the Ministry of External Affairs,” it stated.

Source: Economic Times

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