E-learning Inadequate And Ineffective: Azim Premji University Study

The study by the university across five states said an overwhelming majority of the teachers and parents want children to return to schools with necessary safety protocols

BENGALURU: Online education, which has become the norm amid the covid-19 pandemic, is ineffective and inadequate towards a child’s development, a study by Azim Premji University on remote learning, covering 1,522 schools and 80,000 students, has concluded.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced school authorities to shut down physical classrooms since March even as the pros and cons of e-learning have become a topic of heated debate among stakeholders.

Several states like Delhi plan to reopen schools next week onwards, and in Karnataka, school managements are intensely lobbying with the state government for the same.

The study by the university across five states, titled Myths of Online Education, said an overwhelming majority of teachers and parents want children to return to schools with necessary safety protocols.

Source: livemint

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