Digital India’s Time is Coming

Budget 2019 India: If anyone was hoping to see incentives for the IT sector, the message is clear. Let’s get the GDP back on track first and put a smile on the face of Bharat!

Union Budget 2019: A slowing economy and huge expectations that the unprecedented mandate given to the Modi 2.0 government could only have meant one thing for Budget 2019 —reward the common man in rural and small-town India with enough boosters for agriculture, food and primary healthcare. And sure enough, the focus on these areas and also tax rationalisation have been the key features of the first Budget by Nirmala Sitharaman. If any optimist in the IT cities was hoping to see incentives for the sector and a new impetus to Startup India, Digital India and Make-in-India, the message is clear. Your time will come but let’s get the GDP back on track first and put a smile on the face of Bharat!

In any case, not all economic activities wait for Budget incentives and there is enough to suggest that there will be full support for industries that can give the much-needed boost to livelihoods in all our cities. Manufacturing, particularly in erstwhile boom sectors such as automotive and auto component manufacturing has been seeing a marked deceleration in recent months and will need that much-needed boost with gradual moves to electric and autonomous that will bring in innovation as well as create new jobs.

Source: Financial Express

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