Customer Centricity Key For Startups To Beat The Pandemic Slowdown Say Experts

According to experts, the global crisis has led to changes in the customer’s experience for both consumers and businesses

Startups will need to devise innovative strategies to increase customer engagement and technology will play is a key role in managing customer expectations feel experts. ” The pandemic has increased the need for startups to invest in building customer loyalties and leveraging them to improve their business” said Shanthi Padmanabhan, VP, Customer Success, Salesforce India . “One thing that is making a difference for companies is leading through change with increased customer connect and enhanced customer experience,” added Padmanabhan, who was speaking in the recently concluded panel discussion on startups, part of Mint’s ongoing Pivot or Perish series.

According to experts, the global crisis has led to changes in the customer’s experience for both consumers and businesses. As a result, only startups that invest in improving customer loyalty will come out successfully on the other side. Padmanabhan said close to 42% of Salesforce’s customers say their “biggest challenge” has been to keep up with changing customer experiences.

“In the last quarter alone, we have grown by 30% year-on-year in terms of customers who are investing in technology for customer relationship management,” she added.

Source: livemint

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