Companies Add Extra Day-off To Counter Work-from-home Stress

Last month, ad agency Ogilvy announced a ‘Do Nothing Monday’, one day of paid leave that was not part of the scheduled leave calendar

Longer hours, erratic schedules, and more meetings characterize the pandemic workday, and now companies are slowly recognizing that employees need a little more time off. Google and Cisco started the trend in May with a company-wide day-off to help staff deal with work-from-home-related stress, and now corporates and startups in India are following suit.

Last month, ad agency Ogilvy announced a “Do Nothing Monday”, one day of paid leave that was not part of the scheduled leave calendar. It was announced two weeks in advance so that employees could inform clients as well as clear their desks and not take any calls.

“It was the first time I’ve had a day off like that in the six years I’ve worked here,” says Shoaib Alim, 34, a management supervisor at Ogilvy. “It feels great that the management is thinking about you. It’s such a psychological boost.” He used the three-day weekend to cook, cleaning up his room and just relax.

From Ogilvy and Freshworks to Scripbox and PwC, companies are giving employees a “surprise day off”, a company-wide holiday that’s not part of the regular leave calendar to help employees deal with the hardship of working from home for months. They’re usually clubbed with the weekend, and announced early to avoid disruption in work.

Source: livemint

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