Code On Wages 2019: A Universal Minimum Wage Is Fine But Can It Be Enforced?

Code on Wages 2019: While the idea is good, the real challenge is in implementing it. The enforcement mechanism has proved inadequate in the presentation situation and little attention has been paid to this aspect in the bill which widens the scope of coverage.

Code on Wages 2019: After years of trying, the central government has made a fresh bid to universalise provision of minimum wages to all workers, both in organised and unorganised sector, through the Code of Wages, 2019. The last attempt was made in 2017 when a bill for the purpose was introduced in the Lok Sabha and referred to a Parliamentary Standing Committee but could not be passed.

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What the Bill says

The Bill amalgamates four labour laws relating to wages and bonus and related matters – the Payment of Wages Act of 1936, Minimum Wages Act of 1948, Payment of Bonus Act of 1965 and Equal Remuneration Act of 1976 – into a single code and provides for a national minimum wages for all workers.

It provides for all essential elements related to wages, equal remuneration, its timely payment and bonus. The minimum wage would include basic rate of wage, cost of living allowance and the cash value of concessions etc. and take into account skills, arduousness of work, geographical locations and other aspects to fix it. Both the central and state governments will fix minimum wages in their respective sphere.

Source: Business Today

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