Apps Connect The Dots Between Migrant Labourers And Jobs

In line with the ‘give a man a fishing rod’ credo, a few companies have created dedicated online platforms to help migrant blue collar workers find jobs.

Heart breaking scenes of thousands of Indians fleeing from bigger cities to their villages and towns rendered jobless due to the lockdown moved an entire nation to tears. Now, that the lockdown has eased and worksites are opening up, many of the migrant labourers and daily wage workers are left without a source of income.

Also, the building sites, restaurants, retail outlets, etc. who heavily rely on labour are limited by manpower to function effectively. A few apps and websites have been developed in the past few months to effectively connect labour with the right work, based on their location. MyRojgaar and Majdoor are two such platforms that help connect blue collar job workers who lost their job in the pandemic.


“It was during the lockdown, while I was raising funds for daily wage workers and orphanages in Hyderabad through my non-profit initiative ‘Cause for Celebration’, that I came across Vegavid Technology who was then in the process of developing the MyRojgaar app,” shares Pallavi Priya, CSR and branding and marketing head, Vegavid Technology.

Source: The New Indian Express

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