India Strengthens Its Partnership With Germany On The Skills Agenda

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has signed two major agreements, referred to as Joint Declaration of Intent (JDoI), along with Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany. One DoI was with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for Cooperation in the Field of Skill Development and Vocational Education and Training. The second was signed for Dual VET initiative marking Sustainable Growth of Skills with Siemens Limited, India.

The intended cooperation agreements will give special emphasis to enhancing the quality of trainees thus enabling them to gain and apply further technology skills and subsequently help them to find employment in innovative, sustainable sectors and technologies such as renewable energy, e-mobility and energy-efficiency.

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The agreements are a significant step in the direction of creating a conducive framework for skill development and vocational education and training for inclusive and sustainable growth. In line with their understanding that the availability of demand-oriented skilled workers is crucial for India’s future, all entities will work together for high-quality training in order to create opportunities for young people and foster public and private enterprises alike.

Source: Manufacturing Today

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